Interagency Working Group (IWG)

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Records of the Office of Strategic Services 1940-1946
(Record Group 226)

(For earlier releases, see the Report to the IWG on Previously Classified OSS Records.)

Contents of RG 226:

Notice to Researchers in Records Released under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Records Act

The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), in implementing the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and the Japanese Imperial Government Records Act, has taken the broadest view in identifying records that may be responsive to the Acts. Information relevant to the Acts is often found among files related to other subjects. In order to preserve the archival integrity of the files, the IWG and the National Archives and Records Administration, where possible, have released entire files together, not just those items related to Nazi or Japanese war criminals, crimes, persecution, and looted assets. These records may relate to persons who are war criminals, former Axis personnel who are not war criminals, victims of war crimes or persecution, or civilian or military personnel investigating Nazi activities; the records may also include mention of, or information about, persons having no connection to these activities.

Terms, Names, Organizational Abbreviations, and Code Words Frequently Found in Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Records

Term Description
ABDA American-British-Dutch-Australian Command
Abwehr German military intelligence
ACC Allied Control Commission (of occupied territory)
AFHQ Allied Forces Headquarters for operations in the western Mediterranean
AFO Anti-Fascist Organizations, Burma
AFPFL Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League, Burma
AKAK A Trans-Pyrenees Chain of agents operated by OSS Spain
ALFSEA Allied Land Forces South East Asia
ALIU Art Looting Investigation Unit, OSS
ALOT American Liaison Officer Team; dealt with partisans in Italy
AMZON American Zone of Germany
APC Alien Property Custodian, US
Azusa Designation for atomic energy information
BAAG British Army Aid Group, China
Baker Street SOE headquarters in London
BCRA French Gaullist intelligence and operational services
BIA Burma Independence Army
Birch OSS agent that penetrated Germany through Scandinavia in 1945
BIS Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland
Black Series Kappa Messages dealing with the Balkans (1944); also questionable reports coming from the Vatican
Blue Sweden in 1943 Kappa messages
BEW Board of Economic Warfare, US
BNA Burmese National Army
Bonty A Kappa indicator for Lisbon, Portugal
Boston Series Intelligence reports based on George Wood/Kappa information
BPF Burma Patriotic Front
Breakers German opposition groups
Broadway British Intelligence (MI6 Headquarters)
Brown A Kappa indicator for Spain
BSC British Security Coordination
Buffalo OSS Agent in Iraq
Bunny OSS Agent in Iraq
Burns Allen Dulles, OSS Chief in Bern (1942-1943)
CAPS An intelligence network in Geneva, Switzerland reporting to the OSS
Carat OSS Agent in Lebanon
Carib F. L. Mayer
Cassia Anti-Nazi underground group in Vienna, Austria
Castle Indicator for messages dealing with the German threat to Switzerland
CBI China-Burma-India Theater of Operations
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff (US-UK)
C&D Censorship and Documents Branch, OSS
CE Counter Espionage
Cereus Circle Well-connected individuals in Istanbul, Turkey that provided information to the OSS
CIB SHAEF Counter-Intelligence Branch
CIC Counter-Intelligence Corps (G-2)
Coachman Ernst Kaltenbrunner
COI Coordinator of Information [predecessor of the OSS]
Cousins The British
Critic German SS General Karl Wolff
Crossword British designation for Operation Sunrise
Crown Jewels Germs deemed to be important for postwar purposes
CSDIC Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center
CT or CTO China Theater of Operations
The Cub Hans Bernd Gisevius
Culber Hans Bernd Gisevius
Deuxieme Bureau French Intelligence Service
DGER Direction Generale des Etudes et Recherches, a French intelligence unit
DIP Division of Intelligence Procurement; unit of OSS London in charge of German penetration
Division 19-SW A NDRC unit created for the exclusive purpose of developing weapons and devices for the OSS
Dogwood Source in Turkey (Alfred Schwarz) and head of the Cereus Circle
Drum Presumably an OSS staff member at Bern, Switzerland and point of contact for "Drum" messages early in the war
Drumbee, Harold Cover name for an Italian opposition figure
EAM Greek resistance movement
Ebert OSS Agent in Mozambique
ECONIC Economic Intelligence
EDES Greek resistance
ELAS Greek resistance
EOU Enemy Objectives Unit of the Economic Warfare Division of the U.S. Embassy, London, England
ERR Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Nazi art looting operation
ESD 44 Economic Survey Detachment/Group 44
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations U.S. Army
FAAA Units OSS First Allied Airborne Army Detachment activated in August 1944
Fat Boy German Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering
FEA Foreign Economic Administration, US
FEB Far Eastern Bureau, the British PWE mission in India
FED Foreign Exchange Division, OSS
FETO Far Eastern Theater of Operations
FFI Forces Francaises de l'Interieur (Free French Forces)
FIDES OSS field detachment headquarters in France, 1944-1945
Flash Allen Dulles evening radiotelephone transmission
Flute Professor Paul Scherrer
FN Foreign Nationalities Branch, OSS
FO Foreign Office, British
Force 136 British SOE in the Far East
Forking Code name for a German Jew residing in Ascona, Switzerland that was a source for Allied intelligence
Friends British
FTP Communist-controlled French resistance groups
G-2 U.S. Army Intelligence
G-5 Civil Affairs, U.S. Army
Garbo War Refugee Board
Gensis Direct Rome-Bern communication system for Operation Sunrise
Gerplan General Donovan's plan for infiltration of Germany in 1944
Grand German Foreign Ministry or German Government in Berlin (in Kappa Messages)
Gray A Kappa indicator signifying Finland
Green A Kappa indicator signifying Italy
Gregory OSS chief in Lisbon, Portugal
Grimm Germany
Handel und Wandel Weekly business publication produced by OSS in Sweden
Harvard Plan A German-language propaganda periodical produced in Washington and distributed by OSS Stockholm
HIHI A Trans-Pyrenees Chain of agents operated by OSS Spain
HOHO A Trans-Pyrenees Chain of agents operated by OSS Spain
IAMM Independent American Military Mission (to Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia)
IB or IBT India Burma Theater of Operations [beginning 1944]
Iceland A category of material transmitted between Bern and Italy in 1944
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
IDC Interdepartmental Committee for Acquisition of Foreign Publications
IIU Insurance Intelligence Unit, OSS
INA Indian National Army
ITF International Federation of Transport Workers
ISLD Inter-Service Liaison Department, British (SIS/MI6 in the Middle East and the Far East)
JA Jewish Agency for Palestine
Jack and Jill A German opposition group associated with Breakers
Jadwin Mission An operation designed to achieve the withdrawal of Bulgaria from the war
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff US
J-E (Joan Eleanor) Two-way communications device which enabled an agent on the ground to talk directly with an appropriately equipped OSS representative flying in a plane above him
J-E Operations OSS Missions beginning in November 1944 using J-E
Jennings, Charles B. Fictitious name for Washington recipient of Dulles' evening radiotelephone transmissions
JIC Joint Intelligence Committee
JICA Joint Intelligence Collection Agency
Johnston, Bertram L Cover name used to place Allen Dulles evening radiotelephone calls
Jones series Concerns military deception
Jonny A left-wing resistance movement in Vienna, Austria
K-28 Austrian source that provided information to OSS Bern, Switzerland
Kappa Indicator for messages containing information and documents obtained from the German Foreign Ministry by Fritz Kolbe (code named George Wood)
KMT Koumintang, Chinese nationalist party
KRIPO German Criminal Police
Latte A Kappa indicator for Budapest, Hungary
Lavender A Kappa indicator for China
Luber Hans Bern Gisevius
MA Military Attache
MacGregor Mission An OSS operation in Italy
Manet Great Britain
MPAJA Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army
Marie A series of Allen Dulles reports on France, beginning in December 1943
MEDTO Mediterranean Theater of Operations
METO Middle East Theater of Operations
Medusa Large OSS intelligence-gathering operation targeting France from Spain
MEW Ministry of Economic Warfare, British
MID Military Intelligence Division, U.S. Army
MILORG Norwegian resistance
MI5 British Counter Intelligence
MIS US Military Intelligence Service (G-2 War Department General Staff)
MO Morale Operations (OSS Psychological Warfare Unit)
Motto OSS Morale Operations in London
MRL Maryland Research Laboratory; Established to conduct laboratory research for the OSS
MU Maritime Unit (OSS Maritime Unit)
NATO North African Theater of Operations
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
Nabors The Germans ("neighbors" to the Swiss)
NDRC National Defense Research Committee, US
NEI Netherlands East Indies
NKVD Soviet Intelligence
Nicholson General Lyman Lemnitzer during Operation Sunrise
OELR Office of European Labor Research, New York City; worked with OSS
OG OSS Operational Groups (commando units)
OI Oral Intelligence Branch, OSS
OKW High Command of the Armed Forces, Germany
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Navy
Operations Sunrise Negotiations for the German surrender in Italy
Orange A Kappa indicator signifying Bulgaria
ORI Italian resistance
ORION Project US Cold War intelligence effort to create a space craft powered by hydrogen bombs
Orion Ion Antonescu, Romanian leader 1940-1944
OSO Office of Special Operations
OSS Office of Strategic Services, US
Ostrich Operation OSS operational plans for a reconnaissance trip to Manchuria
OVRA Italian secret police
OWI Office of War Information, US
Oysters Leader of an Austrian resistance movement coordinating committee
Paradise Name for certain Kappa cables involving the penetration of Germany
Mrs. Pestalozzi Mary Bancroft, Ascona, Switzerland, Allen Dulles’ secretary
Phillips, Carr Cover name for an Italian opposition figure
Pink A Kappa indicator signifying Tangiers
PLOPS Planning and Operations Committee, OSS
Porto Signifies German diplomatic post in Kappa cables
Prado Signifies Madrid in Kappa cables
Proust Project An auxiliary operation to the Sussex Mission to build up a reserve pool of agents for any unforeseen exigencies of the post D-Day period and eventually became operational
Pupin Brig. Gen. Barnwell Legge, U.S. Military Attache in Switzerland
PWB US Psychological Warfare Board
PWD OSS Psychological Warfare Division
PWE Political Warfare Executive, British
PWIS Prisoner of War Information Service
R&A Research and Analysis Division, OSS
R&D Research and Development Division, OSS
Ralph Erwin Respondek, German agent
Raz Code name for a Swiss source in Basel
Red Eric Ericson; agent for the OSS in Stockholm, Sweden
Redbird An OSS plan to establish contact with the Austrian resistance
Remus Morris "Mo" Berg
Rocky A person involved with Breakers
Roberts Commission The American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas
Rote Kapelle Red Orchestra, a Soviet spy network
RSHA Das Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Main Security Office
SA German Stormtroopers
SAARF Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force, activated by SHAEF on March 29, 1945, to send team to various POW camps in enemy territory
SACMED Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean
SACO Sino-American Cooperative Organization
SAFEHAVEN Project to trace the movement of German funds and physical wealth to hideouts in European countries and to other continents
Saint OSS indicator for messages containing security and counter-intelligence
SBS Special Bari Section (OSS Balkan Operations)
SCI Special Counter Intelligence (joint operation of MI5 and X-2)
SCI/A Special Counter Intelligence, Austria
SD Intelligence Section of the SS
SEAC Southeast Asia Command
SEATIC South East Asia Translation and Interrogation Center, SEAC
SEPALS OSS Base camps in Scandinavia
SF Special Funds, OSS organization that provided finances for maintenance of agent cover
SF Detachments SFHQ units attached to each of the army groups and armies operating out of the European Theater of Operations
SFHQ Special Forces Headquarters (SO/SOE combined activities)
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
SI Strategic Intelligence Branch, OSS
SIFE Security Intelligence Far East (British MI5/SIS)
SIM Servizio Informazioni Militare, Italian Military Intelligence Service
SIME Security Intelligence Middle East, British
Simpson Code name for an unofficial representative of the Czech Government
SIPO German Security Police
SIS Secret Intelligence Service, British MI6
SOA Special Operations Australia
SO Special Operations Branch, OSS
SOE Special Operations Executive (British)
Sorel Slovakia
SOU Ship Observer Unit, OSS
"The Spider" Man of Moorish extraction who passed mail to Lisbon, Portugal for OSS Bern, Switzerland
Spinster Code name for an important source on France in Geneva, Switzerland
Spirit Geneva, Switzerland
SPOC G-3 Special Project Operations Center; a joint British-American organization in Algiers established to conduct operations in France
SR The intelligence section of the French professional secret service, the Deuieme Bureau; separate from the Gaullist BCRA
SS Sicherheitsdienst, Reich Security Service
SSI Romanian Special Service of Information
SSS Security Services Section, OSS SI tactical intelligence teams attached to the 7th Army's Force 163 and under the direct supervision and control of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Force 163
SSU Strategic Services Unit, predecessor of the CIA
S&T Schools and Training, OSS
Stallion OSS Agent in Lebanon and Syria
Stork Gerhard Van Arkel
Squirrel OSS Agent in Syria
Sussex Mission Combined OSS-MI6-French operations in France
SWPA South West Pacific Area
Ted Eduard Schulte
Teton OSS Agent in the Belgian Congo
T-Forces Target-Forces developed under SHAEF G-2 for the exploitation of enemy material and documents
Toledo Indicator for messages dealing with chemical and biological warfare intelligence
Tompus Baron Anthony Radvanssky
Top Zurich, Switzerland
UHVR Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council
Uncolored Signifies Denmark in Kappa messages
UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency
USFETO United States Forces European Theater of Operations
USTRAVIC Indicator for and recipient of many OSS messages in London
Varlin Mission London SI/Labor Desk mission to France in 1944
Vessel Indicator for a series of reports from a source (now regarded as probably spurious) in the Vatican
Waldo Signifies a German consul in Kappa messages
Wally Vaclav Hradecky, Czech radio operator who assisted the OSS in Operation Sunrise
WD War Department, US
Werewolves Nazi organization trained to wage guerilla warfare after the defeat of German military forces
Wood, George Fritz Kolbe
Wood Traffic Material received from George Wood and messages generated by it
WRB War Refugee Board
X-2 Counter Intelligence Division, OSS
Zigzag US source, former member of Abwehr IIIF in Berlin, identified former Nazis for US
Zulu The British
105 Col. David K. E. Bruce
106 Col. G. Edward Buxton
109 William J. Donovan
110 Allen W. Dulles
154 Whitney H. Separdson
284 Max Shoop
300 Col. Ellery Hungtington
304 George Pratt
305 Arthur Goldberg
334 William A. Eddy
399 Gerhard Van Arkel
452 Robert D. Murphy
476 Gero von Schulze Gaevernitz
488 Dr. Carl Jung
511 Swiss Intelligence Service
512 Hans Bernd Gisevius
518 Marcel Pilet-Golaz
520 Brig. Gen. Bernwell Legge
521 British intelligence in Switzerland
523 Henry Hyde
621 Head of British SIS in Switzerland
643 Eduard Schulte
644 Thomas H. McKittrick
645 British SOE in Switzerland
659 Admiral Wilhelm Canaris
660 Adriano Olivetti
674 Fritz Kolbe (George Wood), also assigned number 805
678 Gerald Mayer
760 Col. Edward J. F. Glavin
805 Fritz Kolbe (George Wood); also assigned number 674
827 Professor Paul Scherrer
6th AG Detachment OSS unit attached to the 6th Army Group
Detachment 101 OSS unit in Burma
SF Detachment 10 Attached to the 1st Army
SF Detachment 11 Attached to the 3rd Army
SF Detachment 12 Attached to the 12th Army Group
SF Detachment 13 Attached to the 9th Army
31st SCI Unit Served in France beginning with the Normandy landings
69th SCI Unit Served in France beginning with the Normandy landings
2677 Regiment OSS Mediterranean Command
2677 Regiment Company A, OG Operations
2677 Regiment Company B, French Operations
2677 Regiment Company C, Balkan Operations
2677 Regiment Company D, Italian Operations

Central Intelligence Agency Selected Documents, 1941-1947

This artificially created series of "withdrawn-withdrawn" material was created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) consists of approximately 6,100 pages of records created or received by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), primarily during the 1942-1945 period. These documents had been withdrawn from the OSS records when major bodies of OSS records were transferred to NARA in the 1970s and 1980s. The security-classified withdrawn records were transferred by the CIA to NARA in 1997 and 400,000 pages of these withdrawn records were declassified and released in late June 2000.

These 6,100 pages are a part of a collection of documents that had been previously withdrawn from the withdrawn OSS records; thus their title "withdrawn-withdrawn" materials. A high proportion of the records consists of British intelligence records given to OSS. The records contain a small set of British decodes (in translation) of SD messages sent in code by wireless telegraphy from Rome to Berlin (and vice versa) during the late summer and fall of 1943. They provide information on the transfer of Italian Jews to Auschwitz and the transportation of 50 kilograms of gold that the Nazis had extracted from the Jewish community in Rome. Another set of British records consists of excerpts of secretly tape-recorded conversations among German POWs. Still other British records contain summaries of interrogations of captured SS and police officers that had served in Nazi-occupied countries. The records also contain many debriefings of individuals who escaped Germany or German-occupied territories.

Also included in among the records are numerous Safehaven Program reports dealing with looted and other assets. Copies of most, if not all, of these Safehaven reports were declassified in 1975 and form part of the Formerly Security Classified Reports ("XL" Series, Entry 19 of RG 226). The records are arranged by a document number and a complete document listing is included in the front of each box. This document list provides the box number and entry (series) number from whence the document had been originally withdrawn. Boxes 1-8. Two sets of these boxes are held in the records hold area of the textual research room (Room 2000). A partial listing of the documents is provided below.

Box # Subjects of Documents
1 Alois Miedl, [looted art] 1945
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Austria and Germany, 1943
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Germany, 1943
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-The Netherlands, two documents, 1943
Reinhard Heydrich's death, two documents, 1943 [Heydrich was head of the Reich Security Service, Deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, and administrator of the concentration camps]
Intelligence report regarding the Sicherheitsdienst [SS; Security Service], 1943
CSDIC [Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center] interrogation reports regarding conversations among captured Germans, numerous separate documents/transcriptions, 1945
Interrogation reports regarding concentration camps, 1944
Mail intercept report regarding trading with the enemy, 1944
Office of Naval Intelligence report on Portugal, 1942
Reports on treatment of Jews, 1942
Rumania, 1944
Sabotage activities in occupied countries, 1943
Safehaven report, American Embassy, London, 1945
Safehaven report 57 (looted art), American Embassy, London, 1945
G-2 Intelligence reports, Italy, 1944?
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Austria, six documents, 1943
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Czechoslovakia, two documents, 1943
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-France, two documents, 1943
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Germany, 1943
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Germany, Italy, Portugal, 1943
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Poland, two documents, 1944
Survey of Foreign Experts Country File-Poland and Germany, 1944
German occupation in France, 1941
German occupation in Belgium, 1941
Hungarian suspects, 1944
Hungary, Rumania, 1942
Greek resistance, guerilla activities, and atrocities, 1943
U.S. Army intelligence report on Nazis in Munich, Germany, 1946
Intelligence report regarding Poland, 1942
State Department interrogation of Fritz Kolbe, 1945
Interrogation report (XL 11164) regarding Sachsenhausen [concentration camp], 1945
Interrogation report (XL 11169) regarding personalities, e.g., Hermann Goering, 1945
Italy-war criminals, 1944
Looted art, 1945
Nazi authorities confiscate total holdings of Belgian church, 1941
Partisan trial in Slovenia, 1942?
Partisans in Serbia, 1944
Portugal-Economic, 1943
Portuguese firms, three documents, 1944
Intelligence report on occupation of Belgium, two documents- pp. 12-17 & 18-22; not dated; concerns General Alexander Freiherr von Falkenhausen [from 1940 to 1944 he was assigned the military command of Belgium and northern France], Heinrich Mueller [Chief of the Gestapo, Reinhard Heydrich, Ernst Kaltenbrunner [chief of the SD]
Preparations for going underground, SD, 1944
Proposal for OSS Unit in Germany, 1944
Report of executions and deaths in Belgrade, Yugoslavia,1942
Report concerning Mauthhausen and Ebensee [concentration camps in Austria]
Reports on Germany, Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands, 1942
Reports from OSS Stockholm, Sweden, 1943
Safehaven reports, three reports, two from Bern, Switzerland, 1945, XL 14842, XL 13933
Safehaven reports 141 (XL 24341), 144 (XL 24342), American Embassy, Bern, Switzerland,1945
Safehaven reports 228 (XL 10464), 320 (XL 22043), 81 (XL 10472) American Embassy, London; 252 (XL 23130), 257 (XL 22808), American Embassy, Madrid, Spain
Situation in Greece, 1943
Situation in Serbia, 1942
Situation in Yugoslavia, two documents, 1942, 1944
Slovenia and Italy, 1942
SS Medical experiment (XL 18751), 1945
SS, SD, and other personalities (XL 7897), 1945
War criminals to be repatriated from Spain to Germany, 1945
Abwehr [German military intelligence] in Denmark, 1945
Alois Miedl, two documents, [looted art] 1945
Conditions at the Sultijelma mines, Norway, 1943
Germans in Spain, 1945
Interrogation report on Auschwitz, 1945
JICA intelligence report (XL 14991) regarding Italian war crimes, 1945
Report (XL 6651) regarding Jean Piere Radenac, looted art, 1945
List of reprisals and executions in Crete during August 1944, 1944
Report on Bulgaria and Rumania, 1944?
Safehaven report XL6597, American Embassy, Lisbon, Portugal 1945
Safehaven reports 121, 130, 132-140 (XL#s 6796, 6598, 6606, 6604, 6594, 6486, 6605, 6602, 6488, 6595, 6658), American Embassy, London, 1945
Safehaven reports 142, 144, 147, 148, 285, 86 (XL#s 6655, 6616, 6797, 6798, 14436, 6659), American Embassy, London, 1945
Safehaven reports 230 (XL 12575), 263 (XL 12696), American Embassy, London, 1945
Safehaven report XL 6487, American Embassy, El Salvador, 1945
Seizure and confiscation of Jewish property, 1944
SS in Denmark, 1945
Weekly Reviews-Albania, Hungary, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, Rumania, Yugoslavia, 1944
Who's Who in Germany (XL 13545), 1945
Condition of Jews in Europe, 1943
Conditions in German prisons, two documents, 1944
Italian Gold, 1943
Removal of Italian Jews to Germany, 1943
Action against Jews in Italy, 1943
Concentration camp at Oswiecim, 1942
Greek and German business transactions, 1944
Intelligence and interrogation reports on the Balkans, 1944
Intelligence reports on Hungarian personalities, 1944
Intelligence reports regarding German agents in Greece, 1944
Intelligence reports regarding German police and Hungarian intelligence, Hungary, 1944
CSDIC interrogation reports regarding conversations among captured Germans, numerous separate documents/transcriptions, 1945
Interrogation report giving names of SD members, 1944
Interrogation report giving names of Gestapo members, 1944
Interrogation report regarding SS members, 1945
Interrogation report regarding Natzweiler concentration camp, 1945
Interrogation report regarding the confiscation of Jewish property, 1945
Interrogation report regarding public health, euthanasia, 1945
Interrogation report regarding German wireless intercepts and SD activities, 1945
Interrogation reports regarding Dachau concentration camp, 1945
Nazi collaborators in Romania, 1944
Nazi war criminals and German Cultural Section, 1945
Nazification of Germany's medical profession, 1944
News stories from Poland and France, 1944
ORION Activities, two documents; looted art, German art personnel, memorandum from Paul Rosenberg, 1945
Conditions in Casablanca and Treatment of Jews in Tunis, 1943
Reports on Rudolf Knaus; includes information on SS General Johannes Bernhard and stolen funds, 1946
Safehaven reports #s 27, 41, American Embassy, London, 1943-1944
Safehaven developments in Tangier, American Embassy, Tangier, 1945
Safehaven report, 1945
Target addresses of German police in France, 1944
Target addresses of German police in Germany, numerous lists, 1945
War crimes material, 1945
Weekly Review regarding resistance activities, 1943
Collaboration activities in the Netherlands, 1946
Intelligence report regarding the murder of Jews, 1944
Interrogation report regarding SS officer Hans Helmut Wolff, Werewolf, 1945
British interrogation report regarding Gestapo personnel, Denmark, 1945
Interrogation report regarding Yugoslavia, 1944
Interrogation report on Kurt Pomme, German police officer, 1946
SSU Report regarding Kaltenbrunner's claims he worked for peace through Allen Dulles [head of OSS operations in Switzerland], 1946
Letter concerning art stolen by Benito Mussolini and Hermann Goering, 1946(?)
Letter/attached report on stolen art from Goering Collection, 1946
Library belonging to Mr. Nikolajevsky; looted art, 1947
Looted art, 1946
Mauthausen trial, three documents, 1946
Max Winkler and Dr. Wener Schuber and stolen assets, 1946
Nuremberg trial, 1946
ORION Files, 1947
ORION Project, looted art, 1947
Polish Collaborators, 1944
PWIS consolidated report on the Reichkommissariat for occupied Norway, 1946
Reports prepared by the OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit, 1946
Hjalmar Schacht [German minister without Portfolio, 1937-1944] plan to exchange Jews for foreign currency, 1946
Sentences for war criminals, 1946
SIPO and SD, 1945
Stolen art from Stersing by Benito Mussolini and Hermann Goering, 1946
Transfer of files of the OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit, 1947
Treatment of Danes by Germans and Danish resistance, 1944
War crimes, 1945
War criminal-Durcansy, 1945
War criminal film, 1945
Coordination of information relative to German art looting, two documents, 1945
Correspondence relating to OSS relation with the Roberts Commission, four documents, 1943-1944
CSDIC interrogation report regarding Gruppe IV/E activities in Greece, 1946
CSDIC interrogation reports regarding conversations among captured Germans, numerous separate documents/transcriptions, 1945
CSDIC report on the organization and history of Amt III (SD), 1946
CSDIC report on the organization of Amt IV B (Gestapo), 1946
German atrocities against Jews, 1946
Subversive groups in post-war Germany, 1946
Intelligence summary regarding Werewolf movement, 1946
Interrogation report regarding Geheime Feldpolizei [Secret Field Police assigned to the Abwehr for security duty in the armed forces. By 1942 its duties had been taken over by the SD], 1945
Interrogation report regarding German police and military government organization, 1945
British interrogation of Norwegians, 1945
Interrogation report regarding looted assets, 1945
Interrogation report regarding Joseph Goebbels factory in Switzerland
British interrogation of fleeing Norwegians, 1945
Interrogation report of Wilhelm Pahl regarding German financial activities, 1946
Interrogation report on Ludwig Haarmann regarding SD personalities, Werevolves, 1945
Interrogation report on SS Officer Dollmann concerning Hitler, Himmler, Mueller, 1945
Lists of SD and SS personnel in France, 1946
Looted art, 2 documents, 1945
Michel Olian, looted assets, 1946
ORION Progress Report for August 1945
Prisoners of war in Galicia [Poland] and killing of Jews by Ukranian police, 1943
British report on recovered stolen art, 1945
Report from South American consular office in Prague on condition in Bohemia, 1942
Report in trip to Italy regarding ORION and looted art, 1945
SIPO and SD, 1945
SS Reinhard Heydrich, 1946
SS Sonderkommando [Special Detachment], Copenhagen, Denmark, 1946
Exchange of Hungarian Jews for trucks, etc., 1944
CSDIC interrogation report regarding Posen, Germany SD organization and personalities, 1944
CSDIC interrogation report regarding anti-partisan activities, 1945
British intelligence report on North Norway, 1944
Interrogation report regarding German police personnel and organization in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1945
CSDIC interrogation reports regarding conversations among captured Germans, numerous separate documents/transcriptions, 1945
Interrogation report regarding Yugoslavia, two documents, 1944
Interrogation report regarding the execution of civilians, 1944
Interrogation report regarding actions taken against civilians, 1944
Interrogation report regarding atrocities, 1944
Interrogation report regarding the shooting of British prisoners, 1944
Interrogation report regarding Gestapo, war criminals, personalities list, 1945
Interrogation report regarding the Gestapo, 1945
Interrogation report regarding the executions of Belgians, 1945
Interrogation report regarding the interrogation and execution of French saboteurs, 1944
Interrogation report regarding the Abwehr, 1946
Interrogation report on two Jewish refugees, 1944
Interrogation report on Dragos Kostic and Bosko Ribar regarding Yugoslavia, 1944
Interview with Helmut Werner Naurer regarding German assets, 1946
Interview with someone from Mauthausen regarding Italy, atrocities, 1945
List of German intelligence personnel, 14 lists, 1945
Looted art, 6 documents, 1945
Report on the further interrogation of Siegfried Schroeder, atrocities, 1944
Safehaven investigation, 1945
Safehaven report, American Embassy, Bern, Switzerland, 1946
Safehaven report regarding illegal acquisition of German assets, 1946
Situation in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands; includes information on deportation of Jews from the Netherlands, 1943
Watch List, looted art, 1945
X-2 Watch List, numerous documents, 1945
Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald [concentration camps], 1945
Balkan commercial companies serving as covers for German espionage, 1945
British Middle East Censorship Intercepts, 1944
Buchenwald, two separate documents, 1945
Condition of Jews in Europe, 1944
Conditions in concentration camps, 1945
CSDIC interrogation report regarding the organization of German intelligence, 1945
German seizure of works of art, Province of Perugia, Italy, 1945
Interrogation report regarding Greek, German, and Italian personalities, 1944
Interrogation report regarding SD organization and personnel in Liege, Belgium, 1944
Jewish refugees-Immigration to Palestine, 1944
Middle East Diamond summery, two documents, 1944
Owner of German retail stores, 1944
Owner of German specialty stores, two documents, 1944
Palestine censorship intercepts; rescue of Jews, 1944
Palestine diamond trade, 1944
Palestine News, four documents; includes information on Jews in Hungary and the massacre of Jews there, 1944-1945
Palestine News Summary; includes information on relief and rescue of Jews, 1944
Palestine Political Summary, two documents, 1944
Palestine Trade, nine documents, 1944
PIC Political Gazetteer of Yugoslavia, two documents, 1943
Refugee and relief problems, Yugoslavia, 1944
Relief and rescue work for Jewish refugees, 1944
Report on atrocities in Greece, n.d.
Rescue work for Jewish refugees, 1944
War crimes, 1945
Weekly Review of Foreign Press, numerous documents, 1945

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