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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children



February 18, 1997


SUBJECT:Index of the Office Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Action Transmittals (AT's), Information Memoranda (IM's), and Dear Colleague Letters (DCL's)

CONTENT:This index includes all active OCSE Action Transmittals, Information Memoranda, and Dear Colleague Letters issued from January 1995.

An Action Transmittal (AT) has its basis in federal law and regulation, and as the name implies, instructs state child support enforcement programs on the actions they must take to comply with new and amended federal laws.

An Information Memorandum (IM) provides state CSE agencies with information on program practices that can be useful to program improvement.

A Dear Colleague Letters (DCL) are letters sent to State IV-D Directors providing information about practices, changes in procedures, or other CSE topics.

SUPERCEDED MATERIALS: OCSE-IM-95-01 dated March 27, 1995

INQUIRIES: For copies of AT's, IM's and DCL's:

OCSE National Reference Center

Mail/Stop: OCSE/NRC

370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.

4th floor

Washington, D.C. 20447

(202) 401-9383


David Gray Ross

Deputy Director

Office of Child Support Enforcement






(OCSE IM-97-01)

February 1997


Administration for Children and Families

Office of Child Support Enforcement









Guidance on Advance Planning Document (APD) requirements to meet the automated child support enforcement system provisions of the Family Support Act of 1988 as amended by P.L. 104-35



Collections of Child Support by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) through offsetting Federal income tax refunds. This Action Transmittal applies to those cases in which the State has an assignment of support rights under Section 402(a)(26) of 471(a)(17) of the Social Security Act, or cases in which the State is enforcing the support obligation pursuant to Section 454(6) of the Social Security Act, or the State has an assignment of medical support rights under Section 1912(a)(1)(A) of the Social Securit y Act



Prosecution of nonsupport cases under the federal Child Support Recovery Act of 1992 (CSRA) [18 U.S.C. 228]. This Action Transmittal seeks to increase federal criminal prosecutions under CSRA and solicits the assistance of state IV-D agencies in identifying additional cases suitable for prosecution by the ninety-four U.S. Attorney's Districts. CSRA prosecution is only possible if those cases where an obligor (1) lives in a different state from his or her child, (2) has past-due child support greater th an $5,000 or which has remained unpaid for more than a year, and (3) has willfully taken steps to avoid support payments



Reduction in Federal Financial Participation (FFP) Rates for the Child Support Enforcement Program Under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act (SSA)




The Measurement and Reporting of the State Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) in accordance with Section 452(g) of the Social Security Act as revised by P.L. 103-66 (OBRA '93) and P.L. 103-432

Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint; Submission of State Plan Pages to Indicate Compliance with Federal Requirements for Paternity Establishment contained in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and Final Federal Regulations







Enlistment Policy for Men who Acknowledge Paternity




Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint; Submission of State Plan Pages to Indicate Compliance with Federal Requirements for Paternity Establishment contained in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and Final Federal Regulations

Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint; Submission of State Plan Pages to Indicate Compliance with Federal Requirements for Expedited processes contained in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993


                        ACTION TRANSMITTALS

AT-96-10  12/23/96  Availability of Federal Financial Participation 
                    at an Enhanced Rate Under the Provisions of the 
                    "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act 
                    of 1996"

AT-96-09  12/23/96  Final Rule - Revisions for the President's Reform 
                    Initiative; and extension of the Certified 
                    Statewide Systems Deadline

AT-96-08  11/12/96  Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Reprint 
                    Submission of State Plan Page to Indicate 
                    Compliance with Federal Requirement on 
                    Computerized Support Enforcement Systems

AT-96-07            NOT ISSUED

AT-96-06  11/4/96   The Calculation and Recoupment of the Federal 
                    Share of the Child Support Collections and the 
                    Payment of Child Support Incentives Under The 
                    Provisions of Public Law 104-193, the "Personal 
                    Responsibility and Work Opportunity 
                    Reconciliation Act of 1996" (PRWORA)

AT-96-05  8/15/96   Collection of Child Support by the Internal 
                    Revenue Service (IRS) through offsetting Federal 
                    income tax refunds.  This Action Transmittal 
                    applies to those cases in which the State has an 
                    assignment of support rights under Section 
                    402(a)(26) or 471(a)(17) of the Social Security 
                    Act, or cases in which the State is enforcing the 
                    support obligation pursuant to Section 454(6) of 
                    the Social Security Act, or the State has an 
                    assignment of medical support rights under 
                    Section 1912(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act

AT-96-04  2/20/96   Guidance on Advance Planning Document (APD) 
                    requirements to meet the automated child support 
                    enforcement system provisions of the Family 
                    Support Act of 1988 as amended by P.L. 104-35

AT-96-03            NOT ISSUED

AT-96-02  1/31/96   Proposed Rule - Amendments to Federal regulations 
                    governing procedures for making information 
                    available to Consumer Reporting Agencies; 
                    extension of the deadline for certified Statewide 
                    systems; and revisions for the President's Reform 

AT-96-01            NOT ISSUED

AT-95-06  5/10/96   Final rule for processing garnishment orders for 
                    child support and alimony.

AT-95-05  4/20/95   Prosecution of nonsupport cases under the federal 
                    Child Support Recovery Act of 1992 (CSRA) [18 
                    U.S.C. 228].  This Action Transmittal seeks to 
                    increase federal criminal prosecutions under CSRA 
                    and solicits the assistance of state IV-D 
                    agencies in identifying additional cases suitable 
                    for prosecution by the ninety-four U.S. 
                    Attorney's district.  CSRA prosecution if only 
                    possible in those cases where an obligor (1) 
                    lives in a different state from his or her child, 
                    (2) has past-due child support greater than 
                    $5,000 or which has remained unpaid for more than 
                    a year, and (3) has willfully taken steps to 
                    avoid support payments

AT-95-04  1/  /95   The Measurement and Reporting of the State 
                    Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) in 
                    accordance with Section 452(g) of the Social 
                    Security Act as revised by P.L. 103-66 (OBRA '93) 
                    and P.L. 103-432

AT-95-03  2/17/95   Reduction in Federal Financial Participation 
                    (FFP) Rates for the Child Support Enforcement 
                    Program Under Title IV-D of the Social Security 
                    Act (Act)

AT-95-02  2/10/95   Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint; 
                    Submission of State Plan Pages to Indicate 
                    Compliance with Federal Requirements for 
                    Paternity Establishment Contained in the Omnibus 
                    Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and Final 
                    Federal Regulations

AT-95-01  1/12/95   Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint; 
                    Submission of State Plan Page to Indicate 
                    Compliance with Federal Requirements for 
                    Expedited processes Contained in the Omnibus 
                    Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993

                       INFORMATION MEMORANDA

IM-96-04  8/22/96   Child Support Recovery Act

IM-96-03  8/5/96    Enlistment Policy for Men who Acknowledge 

IM-96-02  5/29/96   Clarification of the Procedures for Obtaining 
                    Medical Support from Military Parents

IM-96-01  2/6/96    Tools to Assist Child Support Enforcement 
                    Agencies with issues involving Military Personnel

IM-95-03  7/13/95   Full Faith and Credit for Child Support Orders 

IM-95-02  5/12/95   National Child Support Enforcement Strategic Plan

IM-95-01  3/27/96   Index of OCSE Action Transmittals (AT's), 
                    Information Memoranda (IM's), and Policy 
                    Interpretation Questions (PIQ's)

                      DEAR COLLEAGUE LETTERS

12/13/96  DC-96-73  Technical Assistance Needs Assessment - Technical 
                    Assistance Report - Best Practices Form

12/10/96  DC-96-72  Announcing final rule issued on Vote Registration 
                    by ACF/HCFA

12/6/96   DC-96-71  Public Law 104-193 Resource Persons

11/27/96  DC-96-70  New Hire Directory Information Exchange 

11/27/96  DC-96-69  Program Results Performance Measurements Audits

11/22/96  DC-96-68  IRS Mail-Out to Employers (Insurance Agency 

11/22/96  DC-96-67  IRS Mail-Out to Employers (State IV-D Directors)

11/22/96  DC-96-66  Processing Fee for Commercial Garnishments

11/21/96  DC-96-65  Tax Refund Offset

11/12/96  DC-96-64  Status Report Research and Demonstration Project 
                    (as of October 1, 1996)

11/8/96   DC-96-63  Cross Match of Federal Tax Refund Offset Cases 
                    and Federal Personnel Files

11/8/96   DC-96-62  1996 Amendments to the Uniform Interstate Family 
                    Support Act 

11/7/96   DC-96-61  Results of New Hire Reporting Pilot

11/1/96   DC-96-60  Uncollectable Letter

10/30/96  DC-96-59  New Hire Directory Information Exchange 

10/28/96  DC-96-58  Notice of Performance Measurement Act

10/28/96  DC-96-57  Implementation of Provision of Section 13921 of 
                    the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1993

10/25/96  DC-96-56  National Domestic Violence Awareness

10/24/96  DC-96-55  October Collection Report

10/22/96  DC-96-54  Agenda for Welfare Reforms Forums

10/22/96  DC-96-53  IRG State Profiles

10/22/96  DC-96-52  Update for 1997 Submittals

10/11/96  DC-96-51  Welfare Reform Forums

10/11/96  DC-96-50  4th Quarter FPLS FY'96 Billing Invoice

10/10/96  DC-96-49  Headstart/Child Support Collaboration

10/8/96   DC-96-48  New Federal Forms for Interstate Subpoenas and 
                    Interstate Liens

10/8/96   DC-96-47  Litigation Report

9/29/96   DC-96-46  Announcement of FY'97 Fees

9/20/96   DC-96-45  September Collection Report

8/23/96   DC-96-44  Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity 
                    Reconciliation Act of 1996 Partnership

8/21/96   DC-96-43  FPLS Certifications of Compliance

8/21/96   DC-96-42  August 1996 Collection Report

8/16/96   DC-96-41  UIFSA Matrix

8/15/96   DC-96-40  Tax Offset Action Transmittal

8/12/96   DC-96-39  Monthly Crossmatches with SESA

8/2/96    DC-96-38  Amend the Regulation for AFDC

7/24/96   DC-96-37  International Child Support

7/24/96   DC-96-36  Unaccountable Addresses

7/18/96   DC-96-35  Child Support Enforcement Program Resource 

7/17/96   DC-96-34  July Collection Report

7/8/96    DC-96-33  Pilot Test for New Standard Interstate Forms

6/24/96   DC-96-32  Clarification of AT-96-01

6/20/96   DC-96-31  Sixth National Child Support Enforcement 

6/18/96   DC-96-30  June Collection Report

6/5/96    DC-96-29  Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments

5/31/96   DC-96-28  UIFSA Retreat II

5/29/96   DC-96-27  Child Support Enforcement FY'95 Preliminary Data 

5/23/96   DC-96-26  May Collection Report

5/23/96   DC-96-25  Sixth National Child Support Enforcement 

5/20/96   DC-96-24  Tax Refund Offset - Processing Year 1997 
                    Important Dates

5/10/96   DC-96-23  Small Business Administration Regulation 

4/24/96   DC-96-22  Legislative Implementation Guide

4/24/96   DC-96-21  April Collection Report

4/12/96   DC-96-20  Implementation of Connect Direct

4/11/96   DC-96-19  Second Quarter FY' 96 Billing Invoices

4/11/96   DC-96-18  State Employment Security Agencies Schedule 

4/11/96   DC-96-17  State Employment Security Agencies Schedule 
                    (SESA) IV-D

3/22/96   DC-96-16  March Collection Report

3/11/96   DC-96-15  Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs

3/1/96    DC-96-14  February Collection Report

3/1/96    DC-96-13  FY '96 Unaccountable Cases

2/26/96   DC-96-12  Training of Trainers Course (April 22-26)

2/26/96   DC-96-11  Model forms for UIFSA Registration

2/22/96   DC-96-10  Implementation of new System to Identify Social 
                    Security Numbers (SSNs)

2/9/96    DC-96-09  FTRO-Processing Year 1996 Certified

2/5/96    DC-96-08  States Weekly Updates for Tax Offset

1/25/96   DC-96-07  First Quarter FPLS Billing Invoice

1/22/96   DC-96-06  11th Collection Report

11/2/95   DC-96-05  Update on Status of Monthly Crossmatches

11/1/95   DC-96-04  Certifications of Compliance

11/1/95   DC-96-03  Monthly Crossmatches with SESA

10/31/95  DC-96-02  9th Collection Report

10/30/95  DC-96-01  Cover Letter for AT-96-01

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