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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

Training Workshop

June 2, 1992


RE: Training Workshop


Dear Colleague:

We are pleased to announce a National Training Workshop on coordination of income maintenance, child support enforcement, and JOBS programs. This Workshop, to be held September 14-15 in Washington, DC is being planned to support the Administration's goal of self-sufficiency as envisioned by the Family Support Act of 1988. Using a variety of training techniques, the Workshop will highlight the need for and value of effective cooperation and communication between these three programs.

On September 16, child support enforcement attendees should plan to stay over for an additional day of training on interstate enforcement, including use of standard forms. Child support enforcement, including use of standard forms. Child support staff who are interested in attending the full three days should contact Phil Sharman, whose telephone number is shown below, or Yvette Riddick at (202) 401-5427.

The Workshop, which will feature a "training of trainers" approach, is intended for State and local training administrators of IV-A/IV-D/IV-F programs and/or for managers/supervisors whose responsibilities include training. A letter will follow shortly covering logistical details. Your agencies will be responsible for travel and hotel expenses, as well as a modest registration fee.

Please mark your calendars for this event since attendance will be limited. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Phil Sharman (Child Support Enforcement) at (202) 401-4626.


Allie Page Matthews Jason Turner

Deputy Director Director

Office of Child Support Office of Family

Enforcement Assistance

cc: ACF Regional Administrators

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