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Aviation Department Projects Funded Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)



Double Eagle II Airport (AEG)

Project: Reconstruction of Runway 4-22 and Taxiway A

Scope: The existing Runway 4-22 at Double Eagle II Airport was constructed in the early 1980’s and has reached the end of its design life. This project will reconstruct the existing runway and taxiway and replace runway and taxiway lighting, signage and striping. The existing asphalt runway will be milled and recycled as base course with a new 4” pavement section placed over it.

Funding: The Department of Transportation notified the City that $4,000,000 of ARRA funds would be made available for this project and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notified the City that an additional $2,500,000 in Airport Improvement Program (AIP) discretionary funds would be made available to meet the estimated cost for the project of $6,500,000.

Status: Bids were opened for the project on May 19, 2009. The apparent low bidder was Mountain States Constructors, Inc. and a recommendation of award has been issued to the apparent low bidder. The bid amount was $5,227,532.56 and grant applications will be submitted to the FAA for ARRA funds in the amount of $2,848,801 and AIP funds in the amount of $2,708,609 for the remainder of the construction cost, design and construction administration. The AIP grant application amount includes $67,715 in grant from the State Aviation Division and $67,715 match by the City of Albuquerque Aviation Department.

Link to the ARRA web site is:

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