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San Francisco Bay—A Clouded Future

At the AAAS Pacific Division's annual meeting, experts on one of the world's most famous estuaries say climate change, contaminants, and invasive species pose profound challenges.

Science: H1N1 Vaccine May Curtail Epidemic

Vaccinating at least 70% of U.S. residents against the H1N1 virus—very soon—could limit spread of the disease to levels usually seen in a mild seasonal flu epidemic, researchers say.

ENTRY POINT! Interns Visit Capitol Hill

Interns in a pioneering AAAS program for science and engineering students with disabilities met with members of Congress and their staffs on a visit to Capitol Hill.

Science Policy

Science: Research Raises Questions on Flu Strategy

School-age children and their parents should be the highest priority for flu vaccination efforts, rather than younger children and the elderly, according to new findings published in Science.


Biology 101—the Key to Science Literacy?

Scientists, educators, and policymakers at an NSF/AAAS conference urged better undergrad biology education to prepare students for the jobs and issues of the 21st century.


Can Sensor Technology Improve Test-Ban Odds?

In 1999, the U.S. declined to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. In a briefing co-sponsored by AAAS, experts said new technology could help ease concerns.

Public Engagement

AAAS, Science Join Film Festival Effort

In an effort to bring science to the movie-going public, AAAS and the journal Science will be presenting sponsors of the Imagine Science Film Festival this fall in NYC.

Special Offer & Highlight

Special Offer: AAAS Membership Offer

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Highlight: Networking with AAAS and Science

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