Original; see modified release: Carlson Announces Exchange Program For Its Cradle Swings


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs

Washington, DC 20207

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July 23, 1992

(301) 504-7908

Release # 92-115


Carlson Announces Exchange Program For Its Cradle Swings

PRODUCT: Approximately 7,500 "Swing 'N Cradle" and "Swivel 'N Snooze" cradle swings produced by Carlson Children's Products before March 1992.

PROBLEM: No reports of injury have been received involving this product. However, an exchange program is being offered because of some similarities to another manufacturer's cradle swing in which two infants reportedly suffocated.

WHAT TO DO: Consumers may call Carlson at 1-800-933-3309, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (ET) to receive a replacement hanger frame. Consumers are urged not to use the swing as a cradle with the back fully reclined in a flat position until the replacement hanger frame is installed.

WASHINGTON, DC -- Citing a possible suffocation risk, Carlson Children's Products, Oswego, IL, is voluntarily offering to replace the hanger frame portion of its "Swing 'N Cradle" and "Swivel 'N Snooze" cradle swings. This action is being taken in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Neither Carlson nor the Commission has received any reports of injury involving Carlson cradle swings. The exchange program is being offered because of some similarities to another manufacturer's cradle swing in which two infants reportedly suffocated.

Carlson will provide a redesigned hanger frame for its "Swing 'N Cradle" and "Swivel 'N Snooze" models. Approximately 7,500 Carlson cradle swings were sold nationwide between December 1991 and March 1992. Swing seats with the new hanger frame will recline, but will provide a 19-degree elevation of the baby's head, even when the seat back is reclined into a cradle position.

Consumers who have a Carlson "Swing 'N Cradle" or "Swivel 'N Snooze" should call Carlson at 1-800-933-3309, Monday -Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (ET), for information about obtaining a replacement hanger frame.

Carlson swings produced since April 1992 cannot be adjusted to a completely flat position and are not involved in this exchange program.

Carlson and CPSC urge consumers not to use the older swing as a cradle with the back fully reclined until the new hanger frame is installed. The unit may be used as a seat, with the back in the upright position and the restraint straps securely fastened, until the replacement is received.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is announcing this exchange program as part of its mission to protect the public.