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Strive Not to Drive

Strive Not To Drive

During the week of May 11-15, 2009, Albuquerque and surrounding area residents were encouraged to avoid single occupant vehicles and instead commute via bus, train, bike, walk or carpool.

ABQ RIDE encouraged all residents to try several forms of alternative transportation throughout the entire week.

Why should you Strive Not To Drive?

By reducing the use of your car, you not only help keep the skies blue in Albuquerque, you will find that you save a ton of money on your fuel expenses. Studies show that using alternative transportation benefits commuters, communities and the environment.

Still not convinced? Take a look at these statistics from the American Public Transportation Association web-site:

  • Public transportation reduces pollution and promotes cleaner air.
  • It produces 95% less carbon monoxide (CO), 90 percent less in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and about half as much carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx), per passenger mile, as private vehicles.
  • Each year, public transportation households save over $1,399 worth of gas and transit availability can reduce the need for an additional car, a yearly expense of $6,251 in a household budget.
  • The average American household spends 18 cents for every dollar earned on transportation, and cars are the largest source of household debt after mortgages.

Alternative Forms of Transportation Include:

  • WALK - Most people do not realize that walking to work, school or run errands is an alternative to the single occupant vehicle. Instead of driving to lunch, walk during this week and help save our environment.
  • CARPOOL - Checkout our carpool page by clicking here - or check with your employer and carpool with your friends and coworkers. When you share the cost of commuting, you save money! By carpooling, you can also get preferred and or reduce parking fees, auto insurance discounts and you save wear and tear on your car.
  • BUS - Not only are you saving by riding the bus - many current bus commuters discover the best way to relax is to take the bus to and from work. Not only does riding the bus save you the hassle of finding a place to park, but also you can read the newspaper or a good book, listen to music, or just enjoy the sights of Albuquerque.
  • TRAIN - Jump on the New Mexico Rail Runner Express from Valencia, Sandoval or Santa Fe County during this week and learn how easy it is to connect with an ABQ RIDE bus for FREE!
  • BIKE - Bike to Work Day (May 15, 2009) was held during Strive Not to Drive Week. BIKEABQ, in conjunction with ABQ RIDE, hosted several information tables throughout the city. Come join us to learn about bike trails, bike gear and how to get around the city by combining the bus and train. Get more information at the Bike ABQ website.

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