printable banner
 Description: Children learning about computer technology at an expo in Senegal. [Photo courtesy USAID]
Four Fundamental Freedoms
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 11): "Freedom of expression, for example, is no longer just defined by whether citizens can go to the town square, or the town hall, and criticize their government without fear of retribution. Advances in technology, from email and blogs to Twitter and text messaging, have opened up new forums for exercising free speech, and created new targets for those who would suppress the open exchange of knowledge and ideas." -Full Text
-Freedom of Speech-Freedom of Religion
-Freedom From Want -Freedom From Fear

National Day of Service and Remembrance
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 11): "Today, we know that the threat of violent extremism still remains. And our nation has to be vigilant. We have to be strong in the face of those who would seek to do harm to our people, our nation, and our values. By coming together to honor those who lost and who gave their lives eight years ago, we renew our strength to move forward in the face of both old and new challenges, and we come together to invigorate the values that have defined our country and our people for more than 200 years." -Full Text
Collaboration Between the U.S. and China
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 10): "The relationship between our two countries has the potential to chart a brighter course, not just for our own nations and peoples, but indeed for the entire world. We are two of the world’s three largest economies, two of the world’s largest populations, two of the world’s largest militaries, the world’s largest consumers of energy and producers of carbon emissions. For these reasons ... our respective priorities and policies have a global impact, and therefore we have a responsibility ... to work as effectively as we can to meet the threats and seize the opportunities of the 21st century." -Full Text

In Other News

State Department plaque commemorating those who have died serving at foreign posts. (State Dept. Image)
Extraordinary Service
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 11): "It seems somehow fitting that on this National Day of Mourning, ... we come together to celebrate one man, Terry Barnich, who saw people who needed help and decided to act, who left a comfortable life to go to a war zone, because he felt called to use his skills to help rebuild a devastated nation, and who serves as an example to the world of how compassion can move any one of us to do extraordinary things on behalf of those who may never know his name but whose lives are better because of his work." -Full Text
Date: 03/24/2009 Description: Great Seal State Dept Image
Progress in Sudan
Assistant Secretary Crowley (Sept. 11): "Special Envoy Scott Gration traveled to the region of Boma, Sudan, an area where the animal migration is among the most significant in the world. He’s traveling there to observe conservation efforts and to see an example of the untapped ecotourism and develop a potential in the south of Sudan." -Full Text
U.S. Ambassador Eikenberry
9-11 Tribute at U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan
Ambassador Eikenberry (Sept. 11): "The greatest tribute possible ... would be for Afghanistan ... to achieve the lasting stability and peace that has eluded it for decades. This is what we strive toward every day in this mission--an Afghanistan that can never again be used by violent extremists to plot attacks against Americans and other citizens of the world. It is what Afghans of goodwill seek as well.  Let us do everything we can to make this fitting tribute to the 9-11 victims a reality." -Full Text
Pakistan Refugees (State Depart. Image)
South Asia Trip
Deputy Secretary Lew (Sept. 11): "You leave with a great sense of that there’s much work to be done. Standing here on September 11th, having this conversation, really focuses the mind on why we’re there in the first place. We’re there because there is a risk to the United States. When you go there, you realize that the challenge of implementing the program is one that our people on the ground have a real passion to do right, and a sense of urgency of mission." -Full Text
 Description: Map of South and Central Asia
Connections to South and Central Asia
Assistant Secretary Blake (Sept. 9): "Our goal is to support the development of sovereign, stable, democratic nations, integrated into the world economy and cooperating with one another, the United States, and our partners to advance regional security and stability... We want to work with the Central Asian countries to help stabilize Afghanistan and expand political and economic opportunity in Central Asia."-Full Text
Date: 09/08/2009 Location: New York City Description: Secretary Clinton speaking at the launching of NY400 Week marking the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's Arrival in New York Harbor.  © AP Image
Our Common Values and Shared Hope
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 8): "The Netherlands sets a standard for justice and tolerance that inspires people around the world. It is a global leader in upholding international laws and promoting human rights... We’re working together as partners to address the challenges of violent extremism to champion democracy. Our troops stand and fight and die side by side in Afghanistan. Our diplomats work hand in hand and partnered – as partners in peace."
-Full Text
Date: 09/08/2009 Description: Stephen Bosworth, Special Representative for North Korea Policy remarks following his meeting with Japan's top nuclear envoy Akitaka Saiki . AP Video Friday, Sept. 4, 2009. © AP Image
Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula Remains Core Objective
Special Representative Bosworth (Sept. 8): "Well we have to decide that we think that this would be useful and that it's timely. Above all we would not want to engage with the North Koreans without the full support of our partners in the six-party process, because as I said, bilateral talks are not in our estimation a substitute, over the longer term, for multilateral talks and the six-party process." -Full Text
 Description: Lincoln School
My Education, My Future
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 8): "When I was in fifth grade, we had a president by the name of President Eisenhower. Now President Eisenhower gave us a very important message when I was a fifth grader. He basically said that he hoped that the boys and girls of America would study more math and science because our country needed people who could help us send a man to the moon, help us have breakthroughs in new kinds of scientific discoveries." -Full Text
 Description: Map and flag of Brazil.
Brazilian Independence Day
Secretary Clinton (Sept. 6): "On behalf of the people of the United States, I extend warm wishes and congratulations to the people of Brazil as they celebrate 187 years of independence. We value the bonds of friendship and mutual respect between our two nations. The United States and Brazil are united by our commitment to democratic values, by our long history – I am proud that the United States was the first country to recognize Brazil as a sovereign nation – and by our shared hopes for a peaceful and prosperous future." -Full Statement
Date: 09/03/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton held a bilateral meeting with Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya at the Department of State. © State Dept. photo by Michael Gross
Termination of Assistance Affecting the De Facto Regime in Honduras
The Department of State announces the termination of a broad range of assistance to the government of Honduras as a result of the coup d’etat that took place on June 28. The Secretary already had suspended assistance shortly after the coup. The Secretary of State has made the decision, consistent with U.S. legislation, recognizing the need for strong measures in light of the continued resistance to the adoption of the San Jose Accord by the de facto regime and continuing failure to restore democratic, constitutional rule to Honduras.  -Press Statement
Date: 09/01/2009 Description: President Barack Obama makes remarks during a dinner celebrating Ramadan in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009. © AP Image
President Obama's Remarks at Iftar Dinner
President Obama (Sept. 1): "For well over a billion Muslims, Ramadan is a time of intense devotion and reflection. It's a time of service and support for those in need. And it is also a time for family and friends to come together in a celebration of their faith, their communities, and the common humanity that all of us share. It is in that spirit that I welcome each and every one of you to the White House." -Full Text  -President Obama's Message on Ramadan
Date: 08/26/2009 Description: Ambassador Goldberg at podium speaking to members of the Press. © AP Image
Denuclearization Is U.S. Goal for North Korea
Ambassador Goldberg (Aug. 26): "Our overall goal in this effort is to return to a process of denuclearization, an end to missile, ballistic missile production and an end to proliferation from North Korea... We do and have said that bilateral contacts and discussions can be part of that framework but the Six-Party talks and multilateral approach remain central to the way we will precede." -Full text


 OSAC Seminar
Date: 2009 Description: Logo of the Overseas Security Advisory Council - OSAC. © State Dept ImageA Private Sector Security Overseas Seminar for U.S. businesses, academic institutions, and NGOs will be held Sept. 21–22. Get information and resources about overseas security threats and personal security training similar to that mandated for all employees assigned to U.S. missions. - Full text -Registration details

Pittsburgh Summit 2009Date: 06/23/2009 Description: Pittsburgh summit 2009 logo. © State Dept Image
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will host the G-20 Summit Sept. 24-25. President Obama will chair this meeting of leaders from countries around the world who will review the progress made since the Washington and London Summits and discuss further actions to assure a sound and sustainable recovery from the global financial and economic crisis. -Summit Website

Overseas Exchange Opportunities for Americans
Date: 08/20/2009 Description: Logo: Overseas Exchange Opportunities for Americans. © State Dept Image Each year, thousands of Americans travel abroad to take part in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs' (ECA) exchange programs. Take a glimpse at the diverse range of exchange opportunities in store for U.S. citizens. -More

EducationUSA - Your Guide to U.S. Higher Education
Date: 07/16/2009 Location: Washingtonm, DC Description: EducationUSA logo © State Dept ImageEducationUSA is a global network of more than 450 advising centers supported by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. -More

United We Serve
Date: 06/17/2009 Description: United We Serve. © is a new portal for you and all Americans to find ways to serve in your communities. Americans are putting their own country back on the right track: Be a part of it! Visit, choose your keyword -- "education," "environment," or whatever interests you -- type in your ZIP Code, and see what opportunities our partner organizations have in your area.

Flu Updates

Since the June 11, 2009, World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of a pandemic, the new H1N1 virus has continued to spread, with the number of countries reporting cases of novel H1N1 nearly doubling. Updates about H1N1 are available through the links below.

Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Internships
Date: 05/12/2009 Description: Virtual Student Foreign Service logo: Outline of world map in square surrounded by the words Virtual Student Foreign Service.  State Dept PhotoVirtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) Internships, announced by Secretary Clinton at the 2009 New York University commencement speech, are part of a growing effort by the State Department to harness technology and a commitment to global service among young people to facilitate new forms of diplomatic engagement. The VSFS Internships will be developed over the next year and will seek to harness the energy of a rising generation of citizen diplomats.
-Register/More Information
Secretary Clinton traveled to Africa August 3 to August 14.

Click on any seal to go a larger interactive map, complete with video, photos, and the Secretary's remarks from the trip.


In 1822, the U.S. became one of the first countries to recognize the new republic and to establish a resident diplomatic mission. The U.S. Government estimates that there are 61,000 U.S. citizens living in Colombia and anywhere from 15,000-40,000 visiting Colombia in any given month. Currently, there are approximately 250 American businesses conducting operations in Colombia.
-Full Text -Read about Colombia's capital, Bogota, in State Magazine (PDF)

Date: 02/02/2001 Location: Fujiyoshida, Japan,  Description: Mount Fuji in Japan
Japan, a country of islands, extends along the eastern or Pacific coast of Asia. About 73% of the country is mountainous, with a chain running through each of the main islands. Japan's highest mountain is the world famous Mt. Fuji (12,385 feet). Since so little flat area exists, many hills and mountainsides are cultivated all the way to the summits.
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Date: 12/29/2005 Description: The Pisa cathedral and the leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, December 29, 2005. [© AP Images] © AP Photo
Europe's Renaissance period began in Italy during the 14th and 15th centuries. Literary achievements--such as the poetry of Petrarch, Tasso, and Ariosto and the prose of Boccaccio, Machiavelli, and Castiglione--exerted a tremendous and lasting influence on the subsequent development of Western civilization, as did the painting, sculpture, and architecture contributed by giants such as da Vinci, Raphael, Botticelli, Fra Angelico, and Michelangelo.Full Text 

Date: 05/21/2009 Location: Medan, Indonesia. Description: An Indonesian Muslim girl checks her Facebook account at an Internet cafe. © AP Image
Indonesia's approximately 240.3 million people make it the world's fourth-most populous nation. The island of Java is the most populous island in the world and one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom apply to the six religions recognized by the state, namely Islam (86.1%), Protestantism (5.7%), Catholicism (3%), Hinduism (1.8%), Buddhism (about 1%), and Confucianism (less than 1%).
-Full Text
The variety of customs, languages, and traditions among Nigeria's 250 ethnic groups gives the country a rich diversity. Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, and Kanuri are the largest groups. Nigeria is the United States' largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa, largely due to the high level of petroleum imports from Nigeria, which supply 11% of U.S. oil imports--nearly 46% of Nigeria's daily oil production. Nigeria is the fifth-largest exporter of oil to the United States.
Full Text

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