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DOJ Seal

FY2004 Budget Summary

(Dollars in thousands)
FTE Amount
2002 Obligations 1,184 1,143 $183,487
2003 President's Budget Request 1,337 1,298 193,535
     Increases (see p. 28) ... 103 7,213
2004 Current Services 1,337 1,401 200,748
      Program improvements (detailed below) 28 7 2,000
      Program offsets (detailed below) ... ... -5,328
2004 Request 1,365 1,408 197,420

    2003 President's Budget Request 2004 Current Services 2004 Request Program Improvements
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
     Executive Office for Immig.Review 1,322 1,283 $191,713 1,322 1,386 $198,709 1,350 1,393 $195,383 28 7 -$3,326
     Office of the Pardon Attorney 15 15 1,822 15 15 2,039 15 15 2,037 ... ... -$2
     Total 1,337 1,298 193,535 1,337 1,401 200,748 1,365 1,408 197,420 28 7 -3,328

  Program Improvements Perm
FTE Amount
  Coordination with Immigration Initiatives 28 7 $2,000
  The Border and Transportation Security (formerly the Immigration and Naturalization Service) has developed initiatives that include border enforcement and interior enforcement, most notably additional personnel to support an enhanced Entry/Exit Program. As a direct result of these initiatives, the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) anticipates an increase in immigration judge caseload by an estimated 6,000 cases, and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) caseload by 800 appeals annually. To successfully adjudicate the anticipated increase in cases, EOIR requires 28 additional positions.
  Program Offsets
  Board of Immigration Appeals Restructuring ... ... -4,000
  As part of the overall reorganization of the Department, the Attorney General has published a final rule restructuring BIA. The restructuring will reduce the number of BIA members, streamline adjudication of cases, and additionally result in related savings in administrative expenses.
  Crosscutting Efficiencies ... ... -1,328
  The Department continues to evaluate its programs and operations with the goal of achieving across-the-board economies of scale that result in increased efficiencies, reduced duplication of effort, and cost savings. The crosscutting savings identified are the result of the consolidation of facilities management, including field space, the centralization of telecommunications network operations and support, and improved deployment of human resource personnel.
  Total Program Improvements, Administrative Review and Appeals.. 28 7 -3,328

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