DOJ Seal
U.S. Department of Justice
Washington, D.C. 20530

Justice For All

December 2000

This Holiday Season, Share the Joy By
Contributing to CFC

        I am pleased to take this opportunity to wish each of you a happy holiday season. I hope that you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with friends and family.
        Many people associate this time of year with the exchange of presents between loved ones, and the feeling of joy and fulfilment that comes from the act of giving.
        But there are many outside our circle of friends and family who would benefit tremendously from even a small gift. Often, we do not know these people, nor do we know the best way to reach them. However, there are countless organizations that can act as an intermediary, and provide services to those who are in need. There is an easy and rewarding way for all of us to reach people across this city and across the country – by giving to the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
        The CFC provides federal employees with the opportunity to support charitable organizations of their choice in a coordinated, annual campaign. Over 3,400 international, national, and local charities depend on the generosity of people like yourself who utilize this program to give back to their community.
        Last year, Department employees contributed an estimated $9 million to many worthwhile organizations that in turn reached out to those in need to make a difference in their lives. This year I am asking everyone in the Department to consider participating in the biggest Justice Department operation in CFC history – to raise $3 million in the Washington Metropolitan Area, and $10 million nationwide.
        To date, the Department has raised nearly $2 million in the Washington Metropolitan Area. This is quite an accomplishment. But we can do more – and it is not too late to give. A small, one-time gift to our community can provide a new beginning to those who had lost hope. By giving to the CFC, we help provide a warm bed to those in need of shelter; we help to ensure that those who are sick receive compassionate care and support; and we help conserve our environment for future generations.
        As the Holiday Season gets underway and we spend time with loved ones, and reflect upon the year that has passed, take the time to make a difference in the lives of those you may never meet. CFC programs give countless individuals a reason to celebrate the season. I ask each one of you take the tradition of giving to heart, and consider a gift to the CFC.
        Let us make this year the best year ever. Together we can set a new standard for charitable participation for the new millennium.
        To those of you who have already given, thank you for your kindness and generosity. Your gift will have a tremendous impact on the lives of others. For those who are undecided, I urge you to review the Catalog of Caring, talk with your Keyworker, or visit the CFC Website at for more information about how you can help.
        Thank you for your support of the CFC and all of your hard work for the Department. I hope this Holiday Season brings you, your family, and your loved ones many blessings.

Attorney General Reno, New Senior Executives Honored

        Attorney General Reno and 12 new Senior Executive Service (SES) appointees in the Washington, D.C. region were recognized and honored at a recent ceremony hosted by the Justice Department’s Chapter of the Senior Executives Association (SEA). Chapter members used the occasion to present a bouquet of flowers to Attorney General Reno, applauding her leadership and expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to work with her and for her support of Department executives.
        Members of the Justice Department’s chapter of SEA, a professional organization that represents the interests of federal executives, meet regularly with top Department officials to discuss topics of broad interest such as budget issues, personnel matters, and executive training.
        "I have nothing but the highest praise for the Department’s Senior Executives," Reno said. "I feel privileged and proud to have worked for nearly eight years with such outstanding and dedicated public servants like yourselves."
        New SES appointees include: Broadine Brown and Edward Dolan of the U.S. Marshals Service; Betty M. Chemers and Harri J. Kramer of the Office of Justice Programs; Blane K. Dessy of the Justice Management Division; Claudia J. Flynn of PRAO; Robin Beusse and John C. Hardwick of the Bureau of Prisons; Scott D. Hammond of Antitrust; Kevin J. Haugrud and David M. Uhlmann of Environment; and Judith B. Wish of the Office of Professional Responsibility.

All Aboard the Employee Express

        Have you heard about the new Employee Express (EE) automation system that allows you to process payroll-related transactions electronically?
        Well, get on board! It’s easy to use and will give you more control over your personnel, payroll and benefits accounts. Instead of completing and mailing forms to your personnel staff, you can now use the Internet or a touch-tone phone to change federal and state tax withholdings, change your home address, initiate and change allotments to financial institutions, and change contributions to your Thrift Savings Plan. These services and more are available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
        EE is also safe, secure and reliable. All you need to make changes to your data is your social security number and an EE Personal Identification Number (PIN).
        For more information on how to obtain a PIN and the types of payroll-related transactions available through Employee Express, just log on to, or contact your servicing personnel specialist.

INS Commissioner Doris Meissner Resigns

        After a seven-year tenure as head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS Commissioner Doris Meissner resigned in mid-November. She plans to return to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
        Her post as INS Commissioner caps a long and distinguished career at the Justice Department, which began with her selection as a White House Fellow in 1973, when she served as Special Assistant to the Attorney General.
        "The last seven years have been the most challenging and rewarding of my professional career," Commissioner Meissner noted. "I am proud of this agency’s accomplishments in enforcing our nation’s immigration laws professionally and in improving service to our customers."
        "Commissioner Meissner has proven herself to be one of the most respected and accomplished Commissioners in INS history," said Attorney General Reno. "Her knowledge and expertise of immigration issues, coupled with her humanity, fairness, dedication and compassion, have enabled her to steer the agency toward a more balanced program of judicious enforcement and improved customer service. She has served the American people well."

New Director Named to Head
Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA)

        Attorney General Janet Reno named U.S. Attorney Mark T. Calloway, as Director of EOUSA in November. In addition to leading EOUSA, which provides administrative support to the 94 U.S. Attorneys’ offices around the country, Calloway will continue to serve as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina.
        Calloway has been serving as Chair of the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee since August 1999. The Advisory Committee, which was created in 1973, advises the Attorney General on law enforcement matters and gives U.S. Attorneys a key voice in Department policy.
        "Mark Calloway is a tremendously effective U.S. Attorney, and I have benefitted from his advice and counsel as the Chair of my Advisory Committee," said Reno. "I look forward to continuing to work with him as he takes on this important new assignment."

Justice Deparment Commemorates Korean War

        Americans who served and those who gave their lives during the Korean War, as well as those who are still missing in action, were honored at the Department’s Korean War Commemoration in November.
        Attorney General Janet Reno, His Excellency Sung Chul Yang, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Brigadier General Wilma L. Vaught (USAF Ret.), and Korean War veteran Richard Kirkland led the Department’s commemoration ceremony.
        "This Commemoration allows us to honor and thank the veterans of all nations that fought to preserve freedom. These veterans must know that we will not forget what they accomplished 50 years ago," Attorney General Reno said.
        To find out more about the Korean War or commemoration activities in your community, please visit the Department of Defense Korean War website at
        The Department’s efforts were coordinated with the assistance of a Departmental Korean War Commemoration Advisory Committee, comprised of employees whose family members are veterans of the Korean War and those with an interest in the era.