Climate Change
Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"

On Climate Change in the Southwestern U.S.

This past August, the Service's Southwest and California - Nevada Regions, the USGS's Central and Western Regions -- in collaboration with the University of Arizona -- sponsored a workshop on the effects of climate change on arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Some of the top climate scientists in the world, along with highly respected natural resources managers, presented climate change information and stimulated discussion to help identify ways to reduce the impacts of climate change in the deserts of the southwestern U.S.

Scientists, Land Managers Grapple with Effects of Climate Change on Southwest Wildlife

Scientists and land managers will gather in Tucson this week at a climate change workshop.  Sponsored by the Southwest and California/Nevada Regions of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Service), in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Western Region, the workshop will address the effects of a changing climate on habitat and wildlife in arid and semiarid ecosystems.

Press Release
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Climate Change Information
U.S. Geological Survey Climate Change

Workshop Agenda and Presentations

August 19-20, 2008, Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona
Co-sponsored by: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Regions 2 and 8, U.S. Geological Survey’s Central and Western Regions and The University of Arizona



August 18, 2008
Grand Ballroom Foyer

Registration: 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Poster Session/Social: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.


Climate Change Posters

August 19, 2008
Grand Ballroom















Climate Change and Ecosystem Responses
Mima Falk, Moderator

8:30 AM: Introduction, Dr. Benjamin Tuggle, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 2, Regional Director

8:45AM: Opening Remarks, Dr. Lisa Graumlich, School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona

9:00 AM: Regional Climate Predictions, Dr. Gregg Garfin, CLIMAS/ISPE, University of Arizona

9:30 AM: (species distributions/shifts),
Dr. Camille Parmesan, University of Texas

10:15 AM - 12:00 PM:World Café (Topics: climate change concerns, barriers to action, opportunities for action, action priorities)

12:00 PM-1:30 PM: Lunch at Loews Ventana Kiva Ballroom
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Jonathan Overpeck, Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth (ISPE), University of Arizona

Sabino Room

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Climate Change as an Ecological Driver: Grand Ballroom, Dr. Gregg Garfin, Moderator

1:30 PM: (exotic species), Dr. Travis Huxman, Director, University of Arizona Biosphere 2

2:00 PM: (water issues), Dr. Kathy Jacobs, Director, Arizona Water Institute

2:30 PM: (vegetation die-off/regional drought), Dr. Neil Cobb, Director, Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research, Northern Arizona University

3:15 PM: (landscape disturbances), Dr. Don Falk, School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona

3:45 PM: (National Phenology Network),
Dr. Jake Weltzin, U.S. Geological Survey




The Future of the West: Adapting to a Warmer World (.pdf)

southern tier title page Climate Change Projections and Impacts for Southern Tier of North America

Is the Earth's Climate System Changing Faster than Expected?

huxman slide titleClimate Change, Invasive Species and the Water Limited U.S.

jacobs title slideWater Issues: Challenges and Opprotunities

cobb title slide Tree Mortality in response to Global-Change-Type Drought in the Southwestern U.S., North America

falk title slideLandscape Disturbances and Climate

weltzin title slideThe USA National Phenology Network: A Tool for management, research and education in the face of climate change

August 20, 2008
Grand Ballroom



Day 2’s focus: Adaptive management - tools and strategies, Dr. Paul Barrett, Moderator

8:00 – 8:15AM: Opening Remarks: Ken McDermond, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 8, Acting Regional Director

8:15 – 8:45AM:  (assisted migration), Dr. Mark Schwartz, University of California, Davis

9:00 – 9:45 AM: World Café: (Workshop attendees will be divided into two groups, Group 1 will start in World Café session 1, and switch to session 2 after the break; Group 2 will do the reverse)

Group 1: 9:00-9:45AM: World Café 1(Climate change research needs for southwestern ecosystems)
Group 2: 9:00-9:45 AM: World Café 2 (Predicting risk and dealing with uncertainty)

Group 1: 10:00-11:00 AM: World Café 2 (Predicting risk and dealing with uncertainty)
Group 2: 10:00-11:00 AM: World Café 1 (Climate change research needs for southwestern ecosystems)

11:00AM-12:15PM: Federal land manager’s panel:
Dr. Jay Hestbeck, Moderator

Bureau of Indian Affairs: Mo Baloch, Senior Water Rights Specialist, Washington, D.C.

Bureau of Land Management: Dr. Ron Huntsinger, National Science Coordinator, Washington, DC

Bureau of Reclamation: Dr. Levi Brekke, Hydrologist
National Park Service: Peter Holm, Ecologist, Ajo, AZ

U.S. Forest Service: Bob Davis, Director, Ecosystem Analysis, Planning, Watershed, and Air, Albuquerque, NM

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Andy Yuen, Project Leader, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Carlsbad, CA

Non-governmental organization panel:
Charles Ault, Moderator

American Fisheries Society: Dr. Colleen Caldwell, Unit Leader, NM Cooperative Research Unit

The Nature Conservancy of New Mexico:  Carolyn Enquist, Senior Ecologist

Defenders of Wildlife: J. Christopher Haney, Chief Scientist

California Audubon Society: William Monahan, Conservation Science Fellow

3:15-4:15PM: Leading for change: Dr. Doug Inkley, Senior Scientist, National Wildlife Federation

Dr. Ellie Cohen, Executive Director, Point Reyes Bird Observatory

4:15-5:00PM: Wrap-up “Where do we go from here?”
Anne Kinsinger, U.S. Geological Survey Western Regional Director

Dr. Benjamin Tuggle, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 2, Regional Director

Kenneth McDermond, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 8, Acting Regional Director

schwartz title slideManaging Biodiversity Despite Climate Change

huntsinger title slideClimate Change Activities and Opportunities

brekke title slideAddressing Anticipated Climate Change Effects on Reclamation Water and Power Operations

davis title slideClimate Change in the Southwest; Federal Land Managers Panel

Refuge Manager's Perspective on Accelerated Climate yuen title slideChange

enquist title slideOverview of TNC's Climate Change Approach

jchaney title slideHabitat Fragmentation and Working with Federal Land Management Agencies Under Climate Change

monohan title slideEnsemble Forecasting Distributional Responses of California's Birds to Climate Change

Last updated: March 19, 2009
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