Southwest Region
Conserving the Nature of America  

Latest News Releases

  08/2009   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Will Determine If Jemez Mountains Salamander Needs Endangered Species Act Protection
  07/2009   Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Designated As Important Bird Area

White-Sided Jackrabbit To Be Considered For Federal Protection Under The Endangered Species Act
Federal Register Notice of 90-day Finding

  06/30/2009   Northern Leopard Frog in West May Warrant Federal Protection
  05/18/2009   Revised Designation of Critical Habitat for the Piping Plover to be Announced
Recovery Act Logo 04/27/2009 129 Projects in Southwest Announced Under President’s Economic Recovery Plan
04/09/2009   Sustainable Population Targets Proposed for Endangered Silvery Minnow -Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks to Amend Species Recovery Plan-
04/01/2009   Sea Turtle Nesting Season Begins on the Texas Coast
03/19/2009   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Endangered Species Recovery Champion Awards
03/19/2009   Federal Agencies Announce Modified Road Closures To Protect Sonoran Pronghorn
03/11/2009   Critical Habitat for Four Rare Southwest Invertebrates to Be Reevaluated
02/06/2009   Mexican Wolf Blue Range Reintroduction Project
2008 End-of-Year Summary
02/06/2009   2008 Mexican Wolf Population Survey Complete
01/06/2009   Petition Regarding Multiple Species Does Not Establish Need
for Endangered Species Act Protection

recovery act logoARRA News Releases 2009

08/2009   Youth Employee Video Interviews at Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge
08/2009   Indian Point Salt Marsh Restoration



Trinity River Basin Restoration

News Releases of 2008

12/18/2008   Director Announces Grants to Protect Coastal Wetlands Across the Nation and in Texas
12/18/2008   Status Review of the New Mexico Population of Canada Lynx



Silvery Minnow at Big Bend



Annual List of ESA Candidates



Critical Habitat of Migratory Piping Plover Analyzed



Status of Otero County Butterfly

12/02/2008   Black Tailed Prairie Dog May Need Protection
11/06/2008   Sacramento Mountain Plant Gets Fresh Scrutiny
11/03/2008   Arizona Fish Stocking Program Analyzed

Lesser Prairie Chicken and Sand Dune Lizard

Archived News Releases

Last updated: August 26, 2009
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