American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama as an effort to revive our nation's economy, create jobs and save jobs, provide tax relief, and get Americans on the road to economic recovery.

The Act provides for new levels of transparency and accountability so that citizens will be able to track when and where federal stimulus funds are being spent in South Dakota. This website,, in conjunction with the website, will be the main vehicles to provide South Dakotans information about federal stimulus spending.
The following are examples of where federal stimulus funds are being or will be spent in South Dakota:

  • To support and expand the renewable energy industry in South Dakota;
  • To improve drinking water;
  • To decrease forest fire risk factors and upgrade forest fire fighting capabilities;
  • To assist with housing, home weatherization, and home energy projects;
  • To provide a first-time homebuyer tax credit;
  • To provide assistance to South Dakota schools;
  • To encourage the computerizing of health care records for reducing medical errors and lowering health care costs;
  • To repair and improve South Dakota's infrastructure of roads and bridges;
  • To provide an $800 Making Work Pay tax credit for qualified working households, and cut taxes for the families of children through an expansion of the Child Tax Credit; and
  • To increase college affordability by increasing Work Study, funding Pell grants, increasing the maximum award level by $500, and providing a new higher education tax cut to qualified students.
For each month of the year for 77 months, from August 2002 until January 2009, the number of jobs in South Dakota increased from the same month in the previous year. Now, collapses in the national economy have stopped job growth and we may lose even more jobs in the coming months before new job creations outnumber losses.

Congress and the Obama administration are projecting that the federal stimulus spending will create or save 10,000 jobs in South Dakota. While this additional spending will certainly require more workers to repair our roads and bridges, improve our drinking water systems and build other infrastructure projects, we don't know yet whether those additional jobs will overcome job losses in other parts of our economy.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 also requires that states provide more information to the public about where and when federal stimulus funds are spent.

That's the purpose of

To view the full bill that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama, click here. To visit the federal website, click here.