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Fiduciary Requirements For Disclosure In Participant-Directed Individual Account Plans

  1. Karen G.
    July 16, 2008

  2. Richard Martinez
    July 23, 2008

  3. Lansing Building Products, Inc.
    Lynn K. Whyte
    July 25, 2008

  4. Harral Scott
    July 25, 2008

  5. Joshua C. Chernin
    July 27, 2008

  6. Dee-Dee Hecklerberg
    July 28, 2008

  7. Barbara A. Beltrand
    July 31, 2008

  8. Carol Ringwald
    August 5, 2008

  9. Guy P. Wood
    August 6, 2008

  10. Mary F. Gross
    August 7, 2008

  11. Mark Fenlaw
    August 7, 2008

  12. Richard A. Hogaboom
    August 8, 2008

  13. Gary Townsend
    August 9, 2008

  14. Anonymous
    August 12, 2008

  15. Earl Sanders
    August 14, 2008

  16. Adam Mitchell
    August 15, 2008

  17. Malvern Benefits Corporation
    Richard W. Flynn
    August 15, 2008

  18. Hein Theobald and Associates, Inc.
    Keith W. Hein
    August 22, 2008

  19. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
    Jeffrey R. Hoops • Dick Fohn
    August 27, 2008

  20. Profit Sharing/401(k) Council of America (PSCA)
    David L. Wray
    September 4, 2008

  21. Scott Tanker
    September 4, 2008

  22. Nick Baldaino
    September 4, 2008

  23. Jim Casey
    September 4, 2008

  24. C. William Jones
    September 5, 2008

  25. Jackie Boschok
    September 5, 2008

  26. Steve Vivien
    September 5, 2008

  27. Judy Schneider
    September 5, 2008

  28. Jacquie Olsen
    September 5, 2008

  29. Jeanne C. Majors
    September 5, 2008

  30. Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit Assets (CIEBA)
    William F. Quinn
    September 5, 2008

  31. Richard A. Payne
    September 6, 2008

  32. National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans (NCCMP)
    Randy G. DeFrehn
    September 6, 2008

  33. The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
    Thomas E. Bartell
    September 8, 2008

  34. Kathleen Maher
    September 8, 2008

  35. U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    Randy Johnson • Aliya Wong
    September 8, 2008

  36. Great-West Retirement Services
    Charles Nelson
    September 8, 2008

  37. Hewitt Associates, LLC
    Cynthia W. Milstead • Pamela M. Hess
    September 8, 2008

  1. Vanguard
    R. Gregory Barton
    September 8, 2008

  2. American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA) and Council of Independent 401(k) Recordkeepers (CIKR)
    Brian H. Graff • Teresa T. Bloom
    Stephanie L. Napier • Robert M. Richter
    Tommy Thomasson
    September 8, 2008

  3. Fund Democracy Consumer Federation of America
    Mercer Bullard • Barbara Roper
    September 8, 2008

    Daniel J. Keniry
    September 8, 2008

  5. Association for Advanced Life Underwriting (AALU)
    Michael P. Corry • David J. Stertzer
    September 8, 2008

  6. Milliman
    Edward W. Brown
    September 8, 2008

  7. Matthew D. Hutcheson LLC
    Matthew D. Hutcheson
    September 8, 2008

  8. American Benefits Council
    Jan M. Jacobson
    September 8, 2008

  9. The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC)
    Mark J. Ugoretz
    September 8, 2008

  10. Pension Consultants, Inc.
    Marina B. Wiley • Mark S. Zielinski
    Christopher R. Thixton
    September 8, 2008

  11. Watson Wyatt
    Robyn R. Credico • Alec Dike
    September 8, 2008

  12. Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)
    Elizabeth Varley
    September 8, 2008

  13. AFL-CIO
    Thea Lee
    September 8, 2008

  14. National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
    Diahann W. Lassus • Ellen Turf
    Susan MacMichael John
    September 8, 2008

  15. Wells Fargo & Co.
    Bradley J. Schlichting
    September 8, 2008

  16. Groom Law Group
    Stephen M. Saxon • Jennifer E. Eller
    September 8, 2008

  17. AllianceBerstein L.P.
    Daniel A. Notto
    September 8, 2008

  18. Investment Company Institute
    Mary S. Podesta
    September 8, 2008

  19. American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)
    Walter C. Welsh • James H. Szostek
    September 8, 2008

  20. Center for Employment Policy, Hudson Institute
    Diana Furchtgott-Roth
    September 8, 2008

  21. Pension Rights Center
    Norman P. Stein • Jane T. Smith
    September 8, 2008

  22. State Street Corporation
    Stefan M. Gavell
    September 8, 2008

  23. Fidelity
    Douglas O. Kant
    September 8, 2008

  24. Investment Adviser Association
    Karen L. Barr
    September 8, 2008

  25. Richard Greg Jr.
    September 8, 2008

  26. SPARK Institute, Inc.
    Larry H. Goldbrum
    September 8, 2008

 Quick Links
  1. WorldatWork
    Cara Woodson Welch
    September 8, 2008

  2. Clyde R. Vaughn
    September 8, 2008

  3. NewRiver, Inc.
    Russell Planitzer
    September 8, 2008

  4. Kevin Hale
    September 8, 2008

  5. AARP
    David Certner
    September 8, 2008

  6. Barclays Global Investors
    Kristi Mitchem
    September 8, 2008

  7. OppenheimerFunds, Inc.
    Robert G. Zack
    September 9, 2008

  8. Members of United States Congress
    George Miller • Edward M. Kennedy
    Robert E. Andrews • Tom Harkin
    Herb Kohl
    September 8, 2008

  9. Andrew Arbenz
    September 10, 2008

  10. Terri Gumula
    September 10, 2008

  11. James O. Carnes
    August 6, 2008

  12. Oak Street Advisors
    Joe Taylor
    July 31, 2008

  13. Gary J. Guthrie
    September 10, 2008

  14. Sandeep Shroff
    September 10, 2008

  15. Linda and Mike
    September 10, 2008

  16. Richard G. Chenoweth
    September 10, 2008

  17. Theodore E. Anderson
    September 10, 2008

  18. Ts Lee
    September 10, 2008

  19. Roger Horine
    September 11, 2008

  20. Steve Thorpe
    September 11, 2008

  21. Matthew Bartkewicz
    September 11, 2008

  22. American Bankers Association
    Lisa J. Bleier
    September 12, 2008

  23. Jonathan Warmund
    September 12, 2008

  24. John F. Jata
    September 12, 2008

  25. Harry Shainian
    September 12, 2008

  26. Sharon Church
    September 14, 2008

  27. American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA) and Council of Independent Recordkeepers (CIKR)
    Brian H. Graff
    September 15, 2008

  28. Stable Value Investment Association (SVIA)
    Gina Mitchell
    September 15, 2008

  29. MJ Mootoo
    September 16, 2008

  30. Michael Valentine
    September 21, 2008

  31. Darrell Kromko
    September 22, 2008

  32. Raymond Dailey
    October 16, 2008

  33. T. Ryder
    October 24, 2008

  34. Group of 11 Associations
    September 24, 2008

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Employee Benefits Security Administration
Public Disclosure Room
200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Suite N-1513
Washington, DC 20210
Tel 202.693.8673

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