U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


You are invited to read the definitions of terms used in this data standard.

Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number
A unique nine-digit identification sequence assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to identify each distinct physical location/address of a single business entity or organization, as well as each legal division (such as branch, division, and headquarters) that may be co-located. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires all Federal agencies that either acquire goods or services from another federal agency or provide goods or services to another federal agency, to obtain and use DUNS numbers as unique business location identifiers.
Character *

* This data type is used to allow leading zeros when required.

NNNNNNNNN, where each N represents a number from 0 through 9; hyphens and spaces are not allowed.
Recommended Field Name DUNS
The official values to be used for this data element are provided in the Source. The procedures for assignment of DUNS numbers are described in the Reference.

An electronic spreadsheet with the Service's nine-digit DUNS numbers is available at this site. This file was provided by Dun & Bradstreet and includes the official organization names, physical addresses, and telephone numbers that correspond with the Service DUNS numbers as of July 19, 2004.

For the most current information on DUNS numbers assigned to Service organizations, please contact Brigitte Meffert, Chief, Branch of Policy and Information Management, by electronic mail (Brigitte_Meffert@fws.gov) or phone (703-358-2380).


Part 270, FW 6, Data Management and Standards, dated September 30, 2002.

OMB Memorandum M-03-01, Business Rules for Intragovernmental Transactions, dated October 4, 2002.

Use Instructions
As of the approval date and whenever applicable, this data element will be used in any new automated system, data set, database, or information application, including new Geographic Information System (GIS) data and applications. This data element will also be used in any major modifications to existing systems or versions of these data-related items that use the assigned nine-digit DUNS numbers to identify and track Service organizations that (1) buy or sell goods to other Federal entities; and (2) are registered in the Business Partner Network (BPN), the single source for vendor data for the Federal government. 

Effective June 1, 2003, the Interim Service Policy on Intragovernmental Transactions stipulates that all Service organizations in the CMT System must have DUNS Numbers and be registered in the GSA's BPN.

To ensure compliance with the Service Enterprise Architecture (SEA), Service staff are strongly encouraged to utilize this data element in existing systems, data sets, databases, and information applications when appropriate. Where existing systems and data-related items are not in compliance, they should be modified to achieve compatibility and implement this data standard.

Phase Adopted
Approval Date
September 1, 2004
Validation Date
December 29, 2004
Data Steward
Brigitte Meffert, Chief, Branch of Policy and Information Management, Division of Contracting and Facilities Management

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These pages are maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Information Technology Management. Please feel free to contact Andrey Andreyev with any questions and comments.

Keywords = DUNS, number, Dun & Bradstreet, business, organization, location, data, standards, elements 
Last Modified