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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 5 - Environmental Protection & Enhancement 35 - Eco-sensitive residents 35.1 Albuquerque BioPark Attendance
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35.1 Albuquerque BioPark Attendance

Goal 5 - DCC 35 - Indicator 35.1

This indicator is part of Eco-sensitive residents.

Indicator description:

This indicator looks at the total zoo attendance at the Albuquerque BioPark and compares it to other peer Southwest communities. The BioPark includes the zoo, aquarium, and botanic gardens. Ecology is the study of the behavior of living things in their natural surroundings and how they affect each other. Residents can show their appreciation to ecological diversity by visiting zoological parks, aquariums and botanic gardens. Attendance is measured in the number of visitors each day for a year. In making comparisons to other cities, many regional/national zoos attendance figures are for zoo patrons only, and may or may not include attendance figures for associated facilities such as aquariums or botanical gardens. The City does not currently separate the attendance for each BioPark facility. Peer city attendance is reported only for zoological parks. 2007 Citizen Survey data from Research and Polling Inc. was used to examine whether citizens visited the Albuquerque Zoo, Aquarium and/or Botanic Gardens in the last 12 months. The results of this survey are also detailed below. 

Indicator 35_1a

Why is this indicator relevant?

In addition to providing a recreational venue for residents and visitors, the BioPark is an educational environment. In a 2005 survey of Albuquerque citizens, 73% answered “yes” when asked, “Did you learn anything new today?” Residents and visitors can be educated to appreciate and participate in the conservation of plants and animals of the world. Knowing why plants and animals live in some places and not in others can help aid citizens in conserving (protecting from waste or destruction) wildlife.

Data Sources:
City of Albuquerque Cultural Services Department, 2008; Albuquerque Citizen Perception of Community Conditions survey, 2007; Association of Zoos and Aquariums, 2003-2007

Indicator 35_1b

What can we tell from the data?

  • The Albuquerque BioPark is the number one attended community park or museum in New Mexico (see Indicator 42.3) and is 24th in the nation in attendance.
  • Sixty-two percent of Albuquerque citizens visited the BioPark in 2006-2007. Households with members under age 18 visited at a higher rate than households without under age 18 members.
  • Albuquerque is a leader among benchmark Southwest communities in zoological park attendance in years 2004-2006.


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