The University of Tennessee UT Extension
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Tennessee families are currently facing many problems. Extension faculty are teaching the citizens of Tennessee how to make sound decisions about the wise use of their resources; educating Tennesseans about health-promoting behaviors; and encouraging individual development to help people reach their full potential in parenting, family relations and personal growth. Please contact your county UT Extension office to learn more about what programs are available in your area.

What's Contained in this Site:

News & Highlights
Educational Programs and Services
Department and Unit Web Sites Related to Family Issues
Publications Related to Family Issues


News and Highlights

  Protect Your Family's Health with Immunizations
  Protect Your Family from Foodborne Illness


Educational Programs and Services
Please contact your county Extension office to learn more about what programs for families are available in your area.

Attaining Affordable Housing — Consumer education program for finding affordable and safe housing, including first-home buyer and home owner education.

Career Paths/Ready to Work — Education for career selection and employment.

Credit and Consequences — Debt and credit card management for adults and young people.

Ditch the Pitch — Peer education to help elderly citizens develop skill and know-how to prevent financial fraud.

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) — Nutrition education for limited-income families, including nutrition education, food resource management and food safety education.

Family and Community Education
Leadership development for community-based clubs, including FCE (formerly known as Home Demonstration Clubs).

Farm-A-Syst — Programs to help farm families and rural residents access and reduce the risks affecting the quality of their water.

Financial Security in Later Life — A national Extension initiative focusing on planning and preparing for retirement.

Home-A-Syst — Programs designed to help homeowners assess factors in the home that can affect the health and safety of families and the environment.

Homebuyer Education — THDA-Certified programs to prepare first time homebuyers to successfully manage home purchase and ownership.

Improving Consumer Choices — Consumer education in effective decision-making in the areas of food, housing, clothing and consumer goods.

NEFE High School Financial Planning — Curricula for teaching senior high students the basics of financial success.

On My Own — Financial education simulation for junior and senior high youth.

Parenting Successfully — Parent education, including court-referred parenting,
basic parenting, sex education and family communications.

Preparing for the World of Work — Education for career selection and employment,
i ncluding programs in career selection,workforce preparation and assessment, job search and "From Welfare to Work."

Strengthening Community Programs in Tennessee Education for Children, Youth and Families-at-Risk — Programs for children, youth and families-at-risk.

Strengthening Families — Education in intra- and inter-personal skills, including familytransition, adolescent education, aging, caregiver education and marriage education.

Strengthening Leadership, Citizenship and Building Community
Education for building communities, including coalition development and youth, adult and community leadership development and citizenship.

Take Charge of Your Diabetes Tennessee! — Self-care programs for persons with diabetes and their care-givers.

Tennessee AgrAbility Project — Information to help Tennessee's farmers, farm workers and their family members who have disabilities.

Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program (TNCEP) — Nutrition Education for Food Stamp eligible families, including food security, food safety, shopping behavior/food resource management, dietary quality and system and environmental change.

TennesseeSaves- A state-wide campaign to help individuals and families save and build wealth.

The University of Tennessee Center for Community-Based Health Initiatives
Programs address adult immunizations, medication awareness, and poison prevention.

The UT Consortium for Age-Related Education Services (UT Cares) — Programs address health issues across the aging lifespan from Baby Boomers to 75+ years.



Department and Unit Web Sites Related to Family

For more information related to the topic of families, please visit the following departments' homepages:

  Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
  Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Health and Safety Web Site
  The University of Tennessee Center for Community-based Health Initiatives
  Tennessee 4-H
  Department of Agricultural Economics



Publications Related to Family

Print copies of publications are also available and can be ordered from your county Extension office. Departmental publications and newsletters are available from department Web sites.

  Foods and Food Safety
  Financial Management
  Human Nutrition, Health and Fitness


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