Table 7. Displaced workers (1) who lost full-time wage and salary jobs and were reemployed in January 2008 by industry of lost job and characteristics of new job

     Table 7.  Displaced workers (1) who lost full-time wage and salary jobs and were reemployed in January 2008 by
     industry of lost job and characteristics of new job
     (In thousands)
                                                                          Reemployed in January 2008                       
                                                                          Wage and salary workers                          
                                                                                     Full time                             
       Industry and class of worker of lost job                                                                    employed
                                                   Total                   Earnings relative to those of lost job    and   
                                                            Part                                                    unpaid 
                                                            time                                                    family 
                                                                   Total      20      Below,   Equal or     20     workers 
                                                                    (2)    percent     but      above,   percent           
                                                                           or more  within 20    but     or more           
                                                                            below    percent  within 20   above            
         Total who lost full-time wage and salary                                                                          
          jobs (3)...............................   2,183     235   1,725      362       283       488       306       224 
     Agriculture and related industries wage and                                                                           
      salary workers.............................       9      -        5        1        -          2         3         4 
     Nonagricultural industries wage and salary                                                                            
      workers....................................   2,170     235   1,716      361       279       486       303       220 
       Private nonagricultural wage and salary                                                                             
        workers..................................   2,106     220   1,670      351       277       474       296       216 
             Mining..............................       3      -        3       -         -         -          3        -  
             Construction........................     171      23     128       22        13        66        10        19 
             Manufacturing.......................     548      48     443      110        71       122        68        57 
                  Durable goods..................     364      29     286       71        50        76        43        48 
                  Nondurable goods...............     184      19     157       40        21        46        25         8 
             Wholesale and retail trade..........     288      26     231       42        44        65        46        31 
             Transportation and utilities........     103       3      89       33        13        22        13        12 
             Information.........................     116       3     103       23        17        26        15        10 
             Financial activities................     234      20     196       40        38        47        23        17 
             Professional and business services..     208      35     143       13        40        36        26        30 
             Education and health services.......     192      35     143       30        24        53        21        13 
             Leisure and hospitality.............     130      20      95       15         5        18        35        15 
             Other services......................     113       6      96       23        11        18        35        11 
       Government workers........................      64      14      46       10         2        12         7         4 
        1 Data refer to persons who had 3 or more years of tenure on a job they had lost or left between January 2005 and
     December 2007 because of plant or company closings or moves, insufficient work, or the abolishment of their positions
     or shifts.
        2 Includes about 286,000 persons who did not report earnings on lost job.
        3 Includes a small number who did not report industry.
        NOTE:  Dash represents or rounds to zero.

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Last Modified Date: August 26, 2008