US Climate Division Dataset Mapping Page

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bullet Variable?
bullet Type of plot?
bullet Anomaly or Climatology: Choose base period.
bullet Beginning month of season bullet Ending month
bullet Enter 4 DIGIT Year(s). Valid range is January 1895 to Jul 2009 . For seasons that span a year (e.g. DJF), please enter year of the first month. Default is current year.

Enter a range of years
bullet Optional: Contour Interval Low: Hi: Contour Interval:(You must input all 3 options.)
bullet Optional: Scale Plot Size(1-200% ; Default 100%)
bullet White for central values for anomalies/percentiles? Yes No
error submittal form (Report Bugs)

Dataset is obtained from the National Climatic Data Center

It is provisional and may be subject to correction by NCDC at a later date!

new Correlate atmosphere ocean timeseries with climate division data.