National Endowment for the Arts  
News Room

National Endowment for the Arts Announces $61 Million in Grants for the Second Round of Fiscal Year 2005 Funding

April 21, 2005


Garrick Davis, NEA

Washington, D.C. – More than 800 grants totaling more than $61 million dollars have been awarded to national, regional, state, and local arts organizations across the country by the National Endowment for the Arts. In its second major grant announcement of FY 2005, the Arts Endowment is sending grants to communities across the country, from $85,000 for the Metropolitan Opera Guild in New York City, NY to $10,000 for the Children's Dance Foundation in Birmingham, AL.

This spring round also includes the first grants to be awarded in the Endowment's American Masterpieces program. Eleven grants totaling more than $1.1 million will support visual arts touring of exhibitions from the Phillips Collection in Washington, DC to the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA.

"The NEA is proud to support and invest in the hundreds of artistic endeavors in cities and towns throughout the country that make the best of America's arts organizations and artists accessible to all Americans," said Dana Gioia, NEA Chairman. "These grants are exemplary illustrations across the artistic disciplines of geographic diversity and artistic excellence. We're especially pleased to embark on our American Masterpieces program with the finest in visual arts presentations."

Access to Artistic Excellence grants support the creation and presentation of work in the disciplines of dance, design, folk and traditional arts, literature, local arts agencies, media arts, multidisciplinary, museums, music, musical theater, opera, presenting, theater, and visual arts. Projects include commissions, residencies, workshops, performances, exhibitions, publications, festivals, and professional development programs. Through this category, the NEA will fund 595 projects out of 1,088 eligible applications, for a total federal investment of more than $13.4 million.

Projects supported by Access to Artistic Excellence grants include:

Boston Conservatory of Music (Boston, MA) – To support the staging of reconstructions of Murray Louis and Martha Graham works by Boston Conservatory Dance Theater students.

Akron Art Museum (Akron, OH) – To support the reinstallation of the permanent collection in renovated and new gallery space.

American Masterpieces Visual Arts Touring grants support the creation and touring of major exhibitions of art of the highest quality – that otherwise would not be available – to communities across the nation. Through this category the NEA will fund 11 projects, for a total federal investment of more than $1.1 million.

Projects supported by American Masterpieces grants include:

Dallas Museum of Art (Dallas, TX) – To support the touring exhibition Modernism in American Silver: 20th Century Design, with accompanying catalogue and education programs. The exhibition, organized for a national tour, will present the stylistic history of silver design in America between 1925 and 2000.

Georgia O'Keeffe Museum (Santa Fe, NM) – To support the touring exhibition Georgia O'Keeffe and the Women of the Stieglitz Circle, with accompanying education programs. The exhibition, organized for a national tour, will explore O'Keeffe's (1887-1986) work in relationship to other pioneering women artists who made important, although under-recognized, contributions to the American modern art movement.

Folk Arts Infrastructure grants support state, regional, and local folk arts positions and their related activities including statewide apprenticeship programs, documentation initiatives, and arts learning projects. Through this category the NEA will fund 31 projects, for a total federal investment of $800,000.

Projects supported by Folk Arts Infrastructure grants include:

Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) – To support the Indiana Instruments Project. The project will support a survey of musical instrument builders, apprenticeships, and workshops with master musicians and artisans, and production of an audio tour and CD.

Vermont Folklife Center (Middlebury, VT) – To support continuation of a state-wide Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program and related costs. The program will encourage the preservation of living traditional arts by funding master artists to work with apprentices in order to convey time-honored skills and knowledge.

The Learning in the Arts category funds projects that take place in school and community-based settings in the full range of arts disciplines. Panelists reviewed 628 applications, of which 178 projects were recommended for funding totaling $5.75 million.

Projects supported by Learning in the Arts grants include:

Community Music Center (San Francisco, CA) – To support the Comprehensive Musicianship/Inner City Young Musicians program. Professional musicians will provide free ensemble and musicianship classes for underserved middle and high school students.

Sloss Furnaces Foundation (Birmingham, AL) – To support the Summer Youth Apprenticeship program. High school students from the Birmingham area will participate in creative writing, music, and visual arts workshops.

Partnership Agreements provide support for state arts agencies' basic state plans to address local priorities, as well as fund arts education, fostering the arts in underserved communities, and local Challenge America initiatives. Regional Partnership Agreements provide basic support for regional arts organizations' regional plans, in addition to regional touring initiatives. In this round, state and regional partnerships will receive 64 grants totaling $40,145,500.

Grants listings noted in this announcement:

Access to Artistic Excellence

American Masterpieces

Folk Arts Infrastructure Initiative

Learning in the Arts

Partnership Agreements

Grant listings for these categories are also available by state.

Direct grants were recommended in each of the 48 states from which applications were received, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Among the grants, 137 have multistate impact, for an investment of $3.99 million.

Some details of the projects listed in this grant announcement are subject to change, contingent upon prior Endowment approval. For additional information, contact the National Endowment for the Arts' Office of Communications at 202-682-5570.

The National Endowment for the Arts is a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts - both new and established - bringing the arts to all Americans, and providing leadership in arts education. Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government, the Endowment is the nation's largest annual funder of the arts, bringing great art to all 50 states, including rural areas, inner cities, and military bases.

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