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Financial Information > Scholarship Programs > Alumni Home

Congratulations on being part of an elite group of HSF scholarship recipients!

HSF VolunteersDid you know that 80% of HSF recipients graduate within five and a half years? This rate is almost 30% higher than the national average for students of all races and ethnicities for the same period. Kudos to you!

HSF is committed to providing services and opportunities to our scholars beyond scholarship dollars. We invite you to take part in these opportunities by joining the Alumni Network

The Alumni Network exists to provide alumni, and other interested individuals, an opportunity to actively support HSF’s vision and mission by participating in various volunteer opportunities throughout the nation.

Discover thedifferent opportunitiesavailable to you.

Are you an alumnus who has lost contact with us or moved since receiving your scholarship? Submit your updated contact information to so we can keep you up to date on what HSF is doing, both for the Latino community and specifically for alumni.