Trumba Web Calendar Software
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Website Calendar Software

Online Web Calendar Software

Trumba® Connect™ is web-based event calendar software for publishing online, interactive, calendars of events. Using our Trumba Spuds™ widget technology, you embed customizable event calendars and control widgets into your website with just a few lines of JavaScript.

Trumba Connect lets you offer your online event calendar visitors a great-looking and easy-to-navigate web calendar plus a collection of interactive Event Actions™, including adding events to their personal calendar, emailing event information to themselves or others, and setting email and cell phone text message reminders on events.

Trumba Connect powers the event calendars on the websites of event aggregators such as newspapers and TV stations as well as event originators such as universities, schools, libraries, museums, and performing arts organizations. Our rich set of customization features allows you to tailor the calendar to your organization’s specific needs.

A Short Introduction to Trumba Connect

Got 5 minutes? Spend them with Trumba Connect. Discover why so many organizations like yours are choosing this innovative website calendar solution.


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