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Bear Identification Exam

Identifying black bears from grizzly bears in the wild can be challenging.

This new identification program is intended to reduce mistaken identity killings of grizzly bears and help Wyoming maintain its black bear hunting seasons in northwest Wyoming.

The multiple-choice questions will test your observation and bear identification skills. The test is comprised of 16 yes or no questions based on the pictures displayed.

The test is currently voluntary and is being provided as an educational tool for black bear hunters. The Game and Fish Department is, however, interested in whether visitors to the site think it should remain voluntary or be mandatory.

Click on the Center for Wildlife Information training link (, and review the information under the Be Bear Aware Index. This will help you prepare for the test.

If you have questions, need additional information or have an opinion about whether the test should remain voluntary or become mandatory, Please contact:

Phone: 307-777-4600
Wyoming Game & Fish Department
5400 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82006
To review the most recent Wyoming Game and Fish Commission black bear hunting regulations Please Click Here

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Click here or on the bear image to begin

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Call 1-307-777-4600
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