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The SBIR Program is part of the Office of Technology Partnerships within NIST's Technology Services.


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SBIR Program Information
General Information and Program Description
SBIR TT Factsheet
What is a Small Business
Recent Solicitation
Selection Process and Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions
Manufacturing-related R&D Emphasis in SBIR
Reviewer Guidelines & Evaluation Forms Item available to  NIST Staff only

Awards - company and project information by year
Abstracts - public information on each awarded project
Statistics - proposals and awards by state and year

Success Stories
Browse successful projects listing
Submit your NIST SBIR success story

Related Links
Business and Technical Resources
SBIR Websites of Participating Agencies
State/Regional SBIR and Small Business Resources
Other Resources and Consulting Services
Working with NIST
The Art of Telling Your Story
Understanding Private-Sector Decision Making
Between Invention and Innovation
Commercialization and Business Planning Guide

Privacy Statement / Security Notice / Accessibility Statement | Disclaimer | FOIA

NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration.

Date created: February 15, 2002
Last modified: June 30, 2009

SBIR Bulletin Board
FY 2009 Awardee Abstracts
  FY 2009 Awardees
    Phase 1  
    Phase 2  
  2009 National SBIR Conference, Nov 2-5 in Reno, NV
  Form SF-3881
  Register your small business at both of these sites:
  If you are a past NIST SBIR awardee who has transitioned or commercialized your SBIR research, then your company is a candidate for the NIST SBIR Success Stories Program. Success stories are posted to the NIST website and may be used in NIST presentations and brochures. Each posted story is optimized for search engines. These stories also serve as excellent company marketing material. Submit your story now.

  Phone: (301) 975-3085
    General SBIR program
(press 1)
    Invoices on current contracts
(press 2)
  Fax: (301) 975-3482

SBIR Program
Office of Technology Partnerships
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2200
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2200
General NIST Inquiries:
Public Inquiries Unit

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