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Past PSD Seminars: 2008

If you are interested in giving a seminar here, please contact

Current PSD seminar schedule

Date Seminar
2 January 2008

9 January 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Jian-wen Bao, ESRL, Physical Sciences Division
The Past, Present and Future of Mesoscale Modeling Activities at PSD for Air-Quality Applications [Abstract]

DSRC Multipurpose Room (GC402)
16 January 2008

23 January 2008
NO SEMINAR (week of AMS Meeting)

30 January 2008

7 February 2008
Thursday, 3:30 pm
Gather for refreshments at 3:20
NOTE:Special Thursday Seminar at 3:30 pm

Chunzai Wang, NOAA AOML
Global Warming, Climate Variability and Atlantic Hurricanes [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
13 February 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Edward J. Walsh, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center on assignment at NOAA/ESRL/PSD
Storm Surge Measurement with an Airborne Scanning Radar Altimeter [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room(1D403)
15 February 2008
Friday, 11:30 am
Gather for coffee and tea at 11:20 am
NOTE: Special Friday Morning Seminar

Carolina Vera, CIMA, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Climate variability and change in South America from WCRP/CMIP3 Models [Abstract]
[Presentation Slides]
PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
20 February 2008 Note: The talk originally scheduled for this date has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 27, 2008


27 February 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Matthew Newman, CIRES and ESRL/PSD
How important is air-sea coupling in ENSO and MJO evolution? [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
5 March 2008

12 March 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Richard Rotunno, NCAR
Moist Convection and Mesoscale Predictability [Abstract]

DSRC Multipurpose Room (GC402)
17 March 2008
Monday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
NOTE: Special Monday Seminar

Stu Townsley, US Army Corps of Engineers
Incorporating Weather and Climate Information into Corps Sacramento District Reservoir Operations [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
Co-sponsored by Western Water Assessment This Spring and Summer ESRL/PSD and WWA will be inviting several speakers working at the intersection of weather and climate information with water resource management.
26 March 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
2 April 2008

4 April 2008
Friday, 11:00 am
NOTE: Special Friday Morning Seminar

Mimi Hughes, NRC RAL Postdoctoral Fellow
Blocking in areas of complex topography and its influence on rainfall distribution [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
9 April 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Lynn Johnson, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado at Denver
GIS in Water Resources Engineering [Abstract]
[Presentation Slides]
PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
16 April 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Baylor Fox-Kemper, University of Colorado
Submesoscales and Mixed Layer Eddies [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
23 April 2008
NO SEMINAR (Seasonal Assessment Workshop)

30 April 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Andrea J. Ray, NOAA ESRL/PSD and Western Water Assessment
Lessons learned from the 2000s Western drought: Evolving linkages between research and services [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room(1D403)
5 May 2008
Monday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50pm
NOTE: Special Monday Seminar

Carl Koval, University of Colorado at Boulder
The CU-Boulder Energy Initiative: Developing a Campus-wide Response to Energy Demand and Climate Change [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
Co-Sponsored by the Western Water Assessment (
6 May 2008
Tuesday, 10:00 am
NOTE: Special Tuesday Morning Seminar

Jun Du, NOAA/NCEP Environmental Modeling Center
An Overview of NCEP Short-Range Ensemble Forecasting (SREF) System [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
7 May 2008
NO SEMINAR (conflict with ESRL Theme Presentation)

14 May 2008
NO SEMINAR (WWA meeting. Other days in the week may be available)

21 May 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50pm
Arne Winguth, Univ. of Texas, Arlington
Long-term projections of climate and marine carbon cycle using a comprehensive coarse-resolution earth system model [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
28 May 2008

2 June 2008
Monday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50pm
NOTE: Special Monday Seminar

Lisa Dilling, University of Colorado at Boulder
Governing the carbon balance: Land use, decision making, and opportunities for usable science [Abstract]

DSRC Multipurpose (GC402)
Co-Sponsored by the Western Water Assessment (
5 June 2008
Thursday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Note: Special Thursday Seminar

Lance Bosart, SUNY Albany
Troublesome Precipitation Events: A Challenge for Models and Humans Alike [Abstract]

DSRC Multipurpose Room (GC402)
11 June 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather at 1:50 pm for Refreshments
Chris Forest, MIT
Predictions and Uncertainties of 21st Century Global Climate Change

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
18 June 2008
Wednesday, 2:00 pm
Gather for refreshments at 1:50 pm
Ryan Torn, NCAR/ASP
Ensemble Data Assimilation Applied to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room(1D403)
19 June 2008
Thursday, 11:00 am
NOTE: Special Thursday Morning Seminar

Chidong Zhang, University of Miami
Climatic Effect of Aerosol on Tropical Rainfall: Evidence from Satellite Observations [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)
25 June 2008

1 August 2008
Friday, 11:00 am
Shoichi Shige, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Spectral retrieval of latent heating profiles from TRMM PR Data: Comparisons of lookup tables from two- and three-dimensional simulations [Abstract]

PSD-South Conference Room (1D403)

Past seminars: 1996-2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.