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Publications, ID Notes and Guides: Criminalistics Publications

Publications and ID Notes


Cox, R. J., H. L. Peterson, et al. (2000). "The Forensic Analysis of Soil Organic by FTIR." (PDF 397 KB) Forensic Science International 108: 107-116. 

Cox, R., S. Mitchell, et al. (1994). "ComuTOD, A Computer Program to Estimate Time of Death of Deer." (PDF 493 KB) Journal of Forensic Science 39(5): 1287-1299. 

Espinoza, E. O. and J. I. Thornton (1994). "Characterization of Smokeless Gunpowder by Means of Diphenylamine Stabilizer and its Nitrated Derivatives." (PDF 842 KB) Analytica Chemica Acta 288(1-2): 57-69.  *

Espinoza, E. O. and M.-J. Mann (1992). Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes. (PDF 1,466 KB) Baltimore,  MD, World Wildlife Fund Publications. 

Espinoza, E. O. and M.-J. Mann (1993). "The History and Significance of the Schreger Pattern in Proboscidean Ivory Characterization." (PDF 449 KB) Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 32(3): 241-248. 

Espinoza, E. O., B. C. Yates, et al. (1998). "Taphonomic Indicators Used to Infer Wasteful Stubsistence Hunting in Northwest Alaska." (PDF 1706 KB) Anthropozoologie 25-26: 103-112. 

Espinoza, E. O., J. Przybyla, et al. (2006). "Analysis of Fiber Blends Using Horizontal Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared and Discriminant Analysis." (PDF 761 KB) Applied Spectroscopy 60(4): 386-391. 

Espinoza, E. O., M.-J. Mann, et al. (1990). "A Method for Differentiating Modern from Ancient Proboscidean Ivory in Worked Objects." (PDF 133 KB) Current Research in the Pleistocene. 7: 81-83. 

Espinoza, E. O., M.-J. Mann, et al. (1993). "Differentiation of Automotive and Locomotive Lubricant Oil." (PDF 214 KB) Journal of Forensic Science 39(3): 839-843. 

Espinoza, E. O., M.-J. Mann, et al. (1994). Preliminary Forensic Analysis of the Wildlife content of Patented Asian Medicinals. (PDF 477 KB) Baltimore, MD, Traffic USA/CITES, UN. 

Espinoza, E. O., M.-J. Mann, et al. (1995). "Arsenic and Mercury in Traditional Chinese Herbal Balls." (PDF 98 KB) New England Journal of Medicine 333(12): 803-804. 

Espinoza, E. O., M.-J. Mann, et al. (1996). "Toxic Metals in Selected Traditional Chinese Medicinals." (PDF 426 KB) Journal of Forensic Science 41(3): 453-456. 

Mann, M.-J. and A. D. Reinholz (1997). "Physical Characteristics of Selected Polymer Tipped Rifle Bullets."(PDF 476 KB) AFTE Journal 29(2): 165 - 169.

Mann, M.-J. and E. O. Espinoza (1993). "The Incidence of Particulate Gunshot Primer Residue in Oregon and Washington Bow Hunters." (PDF 2519 KB) Journal of Forensic Science 38(1): 23-27. 

Mann, M.-J., E. O. Espinoza, et al. (1992). "Firearm Examination by Scanning Electron Microscopy:  Observations and an Update on Current and Future Approaches." (PDF 6822 KB) Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners (AFTE) Journal 23(3).  *

Mann, M.-J., E. O. Espinoza, et al. (1994). "Shot Pellets:  An Overview." (PDF 2252 KB) AFTE Journal 26(3): 223-241. 


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