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Economic Development Administration

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Volume 2 Issue 7 - 07/09    
Volume 2 Issue 6 - 06/09    
Volume 2 Issue 5 - 05/09    
Volume 2 Issue 4 - 04/09    
Volume 2 Issue 3 - 03/09    
Volume 2 Issue 2 - 02/09    
Volume 2 Issue 1 - 01/09    
Volume 1 Issue 11 - 12/08    
Volume 1 Issue 10 - 11/08    
Volume 1 Issue 9 - 10/08    
Volume 1 Issue 8 - 09/08    
Volume 1 Issue 7 - 08/08    
Volume 1 Issue 6 - 07/08    
Volume 1 Issue 5 - 06/08    
Volume 1 Issue 4 - 05/08    
Volume 1 Issue 3 - 04/08    
Volume 1 Issue 2 - 03/08    
Volume 1 Issue 1 - 02/08   

12/07   11/07   09/07   08/07   07/07   06/07   05/07   04/07   03/07   02/07   01/07   
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Economic Development Today TV Show

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EDA America

Spring 2009 - PDF

Winter 2008 - PDF

Fall 2008 - PDF

Summer 2008 - PDF

Spring 2008 - PDF


December 2007:Regional Strategies,Local Action, Global Success

• EDA’s 2007 Symposia: Regional Conversations on Key Topics in 21st Century Economic Development
• Unlocking Rural Competitiveness: The Role of Regional Clusters
• Industry-Driven Leadership Is Vital for Rural Communities

Summer 2007:EDA’s Excellence in Economic Development 2007 Award Winners

• The Five New Realities of Economic Development in the 21st Century

Spring 2007:The Power of Information: Using Data to Create and Refine Your Economic Development Strategy

• How a Dose of Data Reality Can Enhance Your Region’s Competitive Positioning
• Fiscal Impact Analysis Creates a Win-Win for Projects and Communities
• Economic Gardening: Using Information to Help Your Entrepreneurs Grow
• Using Location Intelligence to Attract Retail to Underserved Areas
• Targeting a Portfolio of Clusters
• Quantifying the Creative Economy
• Economic Developer “Dinosaurs” Vs. Fast Internet Information
• Your Regional Knowledge Economy Strategy: Is it Succeeding?
• “We Have the Site, But We Need the Workforce!”

Winter 2007:Growing and Keeping your Region’s Businesses

• Putting the Business Back in Business Retention
• SmartBusiness – the Smart Way to Help Halifax Businesses
• Relationship-Building and Business Retention: The Community Call Blitz Program
• Making the Most of Statewide Business Retention, Expansion, and Modernization Efforts
• Chicago’s New Direction: Leading the Race to the Top in Global High-Performance Manufacturing
• Five “Musts” for Business Incubator Success
• Growing and Keeping Your Region’s College-Educated Workers
• Learning to Learn: What to Do Different in the New Modern World
• Competing in a Global Age: New Skills for Our Nation’s Students
• Business Retention on a Budget: Billings’ BEAR Program Leverages Volunteers

Fall 2006: The Economic Developer's Toolkit

• Business Retention: Helping Companies Compete in a Global Economy
• Predicting Corporate Behavior: Why Companies Relocate or Expand
• Economic Development Targeting: Laying a Sound Foundation for Your Strategy Plan
• A City’s Tools for Downtown Development: Much More Than Money
• Building the Ideal Financing Toolbox
• Clawbacks in Economic Development: Policies and Practices
• Community Colleges: The Economic Developer’s Workforce Partner
• Using a Balanced Scorecard to Measure Your Economic Development Strategy
• Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) Summary of Requirements

Summer 2006: EDA's Excellence in Economic Development 2006 Award Winners

Excellence in:
• Economic Adjustment Strategies: The City of Pueblo Rebuilds Its Economic Base
• Technology-Led Economic Development: North Dakota State University Research & Technology Park
• Enhancing Regional Competitiveness: Yielding Positive Results in Southwestern Pennsylvania
• Community and Faith-based Social Entrepreneurship: St. Patrick Center Programs Build Permanent, Positive Change
• Rural Economic Development: Yuba-Sutter EDC
• Innovation: Kentucky’s Technology Transformation
• Urban or Suburban Econoic Development: Tinley Park Builds on 35-Year Plan for Success

Spring 2006: Global Gateways

• Helping States Encourage Exporting
• Building Businesses on the Border: The Bi-National Sustainability Laboratory As an Engine of Economic Change
• Trade Adjustment Assistance: Helping Firms Compete in the Global Economy
• World Trade Centers: Gateways to the Global Marketplace
• The U.S. – Mexico Border: Integrated Economies
• A Sea Change in Ocean Shipping
• Intermodal Opportunities in Appalachia
• America’s Dependence on Flight-by-Night Operators: The Underappreciated Role of Air Cargo in the U.S. Economy
• Making Charlotte an International City

Winter 2006: Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovative Leadership
• President Bush’s 2007 Budget Request for EDA: Good News for Rural America
• A Framework for Developing Rural Entrepreneurship
• Supporting Rural Entrepreneurship: What Can States Do? What Should They Do?
• Jack Schultz: A Man with 7 1/2 Keys to Small Town Success
• The HomeTown Competitiveness Initiative
• Incorporating Entrepreneurship into North Carolina’s Economic Development Infrastructure
• Entrepreneurship on Tribal Lands
• Innovation Commercialization in a Rural Region: The Case of Greater Johnstown, Pennsylvania
• Kentucky Leadership Program Coaches Entrepreneurs
• Wyoming Business Camp Encourages Youth to Make Their Own Jobs

Fall 2005: Building a 21st Century World-Class Workforce
• Talent Development Is a Key Ingredient for Economic Development
• What Economic Developers Should Know About Workforce Development and Community Colleges
• Workforce Development: A Region’s Key Business Retention and Expansion Tool
• New Governance Structures for Aligning Local Economic and Workforce Development
• Putting Inner Cities To Work
• The Career Readiness Certificate – An Idea Whose Time Has Come
• Manufacturing Skills Certification: A New Fast Track for Regional Innovation
• Preparing Middle and High School Students for Careers in Science and Health
• Help Wanted: Smyth County, Virginia

Summer 2005: Report of the Strengthening America's Communities Advisory Committee
• EDA Responds to the Gulf Coast
• Rising to the Challenge
• Executive Summary
• The Committee's Charge and Process
• A Challenge for the 21st Century
• Findings, Guiding Principles, and Recommendations
• Leadership in Action
• Advisory Committee Members

Spring 2005: Communities in Transition
• BRAC - The Denver Experience
• Rural Sourcing, Inc.: Bringing High Tech Jobs to Rural America
• Revitalizing Brownfields: New Benefits from Old Sites
• Kalamazoo's Economic Revitalization
• Broadband Access in Rural Areas
• Georgia Communities Bounce Back
• National Leadership Through Regional Cooperation: Tennessee Valley Comes Together to Create Jobs of the Future
• Using Department of Energy Assets for Community Benefit
• Enterprise Facilitation: Growing Entrepreneurs One Contact at a Time

Winter 2005: The Marriage of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
• Building Innovation-Driven Regional Economies in Small and Mid-Sized Metro Centers
• Creating Systems for Entrepreneur Support
• Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Rural America
• Kentucky’s Rural Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program: An In-Depth Look at How It Works
• The Importance of Networks and Capacity Building in Technology Transfer and Commercialization
• Best Practices in University Technology Transfer
• A 21st Century Model for Engineering Education
• Turning the Corner: Trends in Angel Investing
• Growing Ohio’s High Performance Economy
• Replanting the Economic Forest in Northeast Ohio

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