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    Notice: The CFS version 1 forecast data is no longer being hosted on this server. No further updates to this dataset will be made.
    However, the CFS version 1 reforecast data are still available at the following link in India:

  •  NEW   CFS version 1 will continue in operations until June 2012. 4/13/2011

  • 2008 CFS Retrospective Forecast Data now available!

  • 2007 CFS Retrospective Forecast Data now available!

  • The CFS server has been upgraded. If you have been downloading data using anonymous FTP login, please check the table below and point your script to the correct directory to access the data. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • CMIP2 Simulation Run extended
    CMIP126 Simulation Run has been extended from 100 to 225 years! Monthly data from this run is available!

  • CFS Retrospective Forecast Daily Data Correction
    Some members showing abnormally low skill for the first 24hrs or 48hrs forecast have been rerun and the time series recomputed.
    Corrected members are listed here
    . The old files are present with the extension ".old". New ensembles mean data have been re-computed.

  • Precipitation Verification Data
    Monthly NCEP/CPC Xie-Arkin from January 1979 to August 2006 is available now! When using the dat, please refercence the following article :
    P. Xie and P. A. Arkin, 1997: Global precipitation: a 17-year monthly analysis based on gauge observations, satellite estimates, and numerical model outputs. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 78,2539-2558

  • Surface Temperature Verification Data
    Monthly Surface Temperature Data from NCEP/CPC Global Historical Climate Network/Climate Anomalies Monitoring System (GHCN/CAMS) is available. Please, reference the article about GHCN/CAMS when using the dataset.

  • 2006 CFS Retrospective Forecast Data now available!

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Environmental Modeling Centeri
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD 20740
Page Author: Environmental Modeling Center Internet Team
Page last modified: May 27, 2009
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