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AAF Information

Field Campaigns

2008 Workshop

UAV Campaigns

Prior to 2007, airborne measurements were collected through the ARM Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle (UAV) Program. The following campaigns were conducted by the UAV Program.

Start Date Campaign Name Duration Lead Scientist Site
1993-10-01 UAV Field Test IOP 30 days John Vitko SGP
1994-04-01 Spring 1994 UAV IOP 29 days John Vitko SGP
1995-09-01 Fall 1995 UAV IOP 29 days John Vitko SGP
1996-04-01 Spring 1996 UAV IOP 29 days John Vitko SGP
1996-09-01 Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle (UAV) IOP 29 days John Vitko SGP
1997-09-15 Fall 1997 UAV IOP 20 days Robert Ellingson SGP
1999-04-01 Spring UAV Campaign 2 months Tim Tooman OSC
1999-06-01 Summer UAV Campaign 2 months Tim Tooman OSC
2000-02-01 ARESE II IOP 2 months Robert Ellingson SGP
2002-11-03 ARM-UAV Fall 2002 20 days Tim Tooman SGP
2004-09-27 Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment 24 days Johannes Verlinde NSA
2006-01-21 Tropical Warm Pool - International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE) 23 days Peter May TWP