Station Area Plans


The BART Strategic Plan identifies three Station Area planning objectives:

  1. Promoting Transit-Oriented Development on BART property,
  2. Encouraging Transit-Oriented Development within walking distance of each BART station, and
  3. Advocating for Smart Growth and Transit-Oriented Development throughout the Bay Area and beyond.

On July 14, 2005, the BART Board adopted a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Policy. For BART, the goals of TOD are to:

A.   Increase transit ridership and enhance quality of life at and around BART stations by encouraging and supporting high quality transit-oriented development within walking distance of BART stations.

B.   Increase transit-oriented development projects on and off BART property through creative planning and development partnerships with local communities.

C.   Enhance the stability of BART's financial base through the value capture strategies of transit-oriented development.

D.   Reduce the access mode share of the automobile by enhancing multi-modal access to and from BART stations in partnership with communities and access providers.

In planning station areas, BART collaborates with the neighboring residents, businesses and institutions, city and county agencies, local bus services and members of the local communities. BART's overall goals are to improve the experience of riding BART, to maintain a safe, attractive station environment, and to support and sustain BART operations with revenue from development.

Related BART Policies, Guidelines and Methods:

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Policy (.pdf) as adopted by the BART Board in 2005.

Access Policy Methodology (.pdf) used to evaluate station specific access and development scenarios.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Guidelines (.pdf) emphasize key BART goals and priorities for all who have a stake in the planning a BART station area.

Station Access Guidelines (.pdf) complement the TOD Guidelines. They focus on BART priorities for station access (by foot, bicycle, transit, auto, carpool or other means).

BART Parking Management Toolkit report (.pdf)

Related Reports:

Travel characteristics of transit-oriented development in California (.pdf)

Find out more about Station Area Planning projects in:

Alameda County
Contra Costa County
San Francisco City and County
San Mateo County
Santa Clara County