Contact Us

Name Position Phone Email
Tim Reuscher Data User Support   reuschertr@ornl.gov
Rick Goeltz   Web Site Support 865-946-1557 goeltzrt@ornl.gov
Doug Hecox Media / Newspaper Enquiries 202-366-2244 doug.hecox@dot.gov
Adella Santos NHTS Program Manager 202-366-5021 adella.santos@dot.gov

NHTS Users' Forum at the FHWA Highway Community eXchange

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Room 83-425
Washington, DC 20590

Fax: 202-366-7742

To be included on the NHTS Mailing List, please provide your contact information (i.e., name, organization, address, phone number) or your business card, along with an indication that it is for the NHTS Mailing List, to Adella Santos at 202-366-5021 or at the address or Fax listed above.

Developed by the CTA, ORNL under funding from the FHWA