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Gross-Domestic-Product-by-Industry Accounts, 1947-2008

This area of our web site provides interactive access to the Gross-Domestic-Product-by-Industry Accounts, which are presented in the following tables. To view an entire table, click on its name. To select particular industries or years, click on the button next to the table's name.

Value Added by Industry

Click here to choose particular data from this table Value Added by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Value Added by Industry as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
Click here to choose particular data from this table Components of Value Added by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Components of Value Added by Industry as a Percentage of Value Added
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Value Added by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Value Added by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Real Value Added by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Price Indexes for Value Added by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Percent Changes in Chain-Type Price Indexes for Value Added by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic Product by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change in the Chain-Type Price Index for Gross Domestic Product by Industry

Gross Output by Industry

Click here to choose particular data from this table Gross Output by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Gross Output by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Gross Output by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Price Indexes for Gross Output by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Percent Changes in Chain-Type Price Indexes for Gross Output by Industry

Intermediate Inputs by Industry

Click here to choose particular data from this table Intermediate Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Intermediate Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Intermediate Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Price Indexes for Intermediate Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Percent Changes in Chain-Type Price Indexes for Intermediate Inputs by Industry


Click here to choose particular data from this table Composition of Gross Output by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Shares of Gross Output by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Cost per Unit of Real Gross Output by Industry Group
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Gross Output by Industry Group
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Changes in Chain-Type Price Indexes for Gross Output by Industry Group
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Energy Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change by Industry in the Chain-Type Quantity Index for All Industries Energy Inputs
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Price Indexes for Energy Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change by Industry in the Chain-Type Price Index for All Industries Energy Inputs
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Materials Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change by Industry in the Chain-Type Quantity Index for All Industries Materials Inputs
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Price Indexes for Materials Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change by Industry in the Chain-Type Price Index for All Industries Materials Inputs
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Purchased Service Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change by Industry in the Chain-Type Quantity Index for All Industries Purchased-Service Inputs
Click here to choose particular data from this table Chain-Type Price Indexes for Purchased Service Inputs by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Contributions to Percent Change by Industry in the Chain-Type Price Index for All Industries Purchased-Service Inputs


Click here to choose particular data from this table Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry
Click here to choose particular data from this table Persons Engaged in Production by Industry

To download all tables in ZIP format click here. (ZIP • 527 KB)

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Last updated: Wednesday, December 24, 2008