
The King County Fleet Administration Division handles the disposal of all county surplus property except real estate. To make the most of taxpayer dollars, many of the county's surplus items are sold at public auctions. These auctions also include items from other government agencies. They are open to the general public as well as all government employees.

Spot bid

King County holds spot bid auctions of surplus property on the second Wednesday of the month. For more information, see our spot bid auction page.

Vehicles and equipment

King County holds two auto and heavy equipment auctions each year, on Saturdays--one in spring and one in fall. For more information, see our vehicle and equipment auction page.

Sealed bid announcements

King County also conducts Sealed bid auctions on speciality items, these sales might have buyer requirements, remote locations or limitations or conditions of the item(s) up for aucton.  Those restrictions are posted in the auction description.  For more information on future Sealed bid auctions, please contact Russ Johnson at 206-263-6263

Personal property staff

Personal Property Information & Vehicle Auction Information:
Russ Johnson, personal property supervisor

Surplus program, sealed bid information, and surplus warehouse:
Yuki Kanda-Chin, inventory specialist supervisor

Inventory and surplus information
Ron Mendoza

General information and online auction sales:
D. J. Yasui

Upcoming auctions

  • Spot bid: August 12, 2009
  • Vehicles and equipment: September 26, 2009 UPDATED, 6/8/09

Contact us

For more information or to sign up for King County's E-mail auction news flyer, contact the Fleet Administration Division at or 206-263-6263.

Related links

The following links point to external sites and are provided for your convenience.

Metro's Rideshare Vans are sold through an outside vendor. For more information, visit their Web site at [external site].