The ORNL Future Technologies Group

The Future Technologies group in the Computer Science and Mathematics Division (CSMD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) performs basic research in core technologies for future generations of high-end computing architectures, including experimental computing systems. Using measurement, modeling, and simulation, we investigate these technologies with the goal of improving the performance, efficiency, reliability, and usability of these architectures for our sponsors. Often, we develop new algorithms and software systems to effectively exploit each technology.

Since 2004 we have worked in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Emerging architectures including GPUs, FPGAs, nonvolatile memory, and other alternative architectures
  • Productive programming environments including compilers, GAS programming models, and scalable runtime systems
  • Performance analysis, modeling, simulation, and prediction
  • Application-Architecture codesign
  • Early evaluation and benchmarking of High Performance Computing systems
  • Visualization of extreme scale data
  • Parallel I/O

See our Research and Publications pages for more information about this work. Also, for more information about the members of our group, see our People page.