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AFSC Seminar Series No. 14

Scheduled Seminars

"More Ice? Bering Climate Now and Future"   (VIDEO)

Presenter:James Overland and Phyllis Stabeno, NOAA/PMEL
When: Thursday, January 18, 2007, 11:00am
Where: Bldg. 4, Traynor Seminar Room, Rm. 2076,  AFSC, Sand Point Campus, Seattle, Washington

Presenter's Bio:

James Overland graduated from the University of Washington and New York University
with degrees in oceanography and meteorology.  With over 30 years in NOAA and a member of FOCI, his interest over the last decade is high latitude climate change and impacts on ecosystems and fisheries. Over the last year he has participated in three international workshops on the subject and briefed the Pribilof Islands Collaborative..


Over the last decade the Bering Sea has warmed and the ecosystem appears to be shifting to favor pelagic species in response to reduced ice cover. Is this natural variability or part of a long term trend due to greenhouse gases? The answer seems to be yes to both. The year 2006 was cold compared to the previous five years. What will 2007 bring?  Climate models suggest a rocky road ahead for Bering climate with warm and cold periods over the next decades, but with a new warmer state established by 2030. Changes could occur sooner if atmospheric-ice-ocean feedbacks in the real world are greater than represented in the models.



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