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Contact Us

Contacting and Visiting the Embassy

The U.S. Embassy, Majuro is open at the following times:
Monday ~ Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
(Closed RMI and U.S Holidays)

Holidays U.S. and RMI Holidays.

The Visa Section is open Tuesdays from 8:30am - 11:30am.

Passport, Social Security and other Consular Services are available, by appointment only, during regular business hours.

Public telephone inquiries are answered between 8:00am - 5:00pm on business days. Recorded information is also available 24 hours per day on (692) 247-4011.

The Fax Number is (692) 247-4012. The volume of inquiries received prohibits responding to unsolicited correspondence.
Email the Embassy at:

Information Sheets, brochures and handouts on visas & procedures are available in racks in the waiting area of the U.S. Embassy.



This page is produced and maintained by the Public Affairs Section at the Embassy of the United States of America in Marshall Islands.

We welcome your comments and suggestions.


Tel: (692) 247-4011
Fax: (692) 247-4012