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Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics [masthead]
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LEHD Research

The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) research program is centered on the creation and empirical analysis of confidential longitudinal linked employer-household microdata. This integrated microdata is generated within the Census Bureau using data collected for federal and state administrative purposes as well as confidential Census Bureau surveys and censuses. Research projects at LEHD are carried out both by LEHD permanent staff and by research associates using a secure network of 8 Research Data Centers (RDCs) that are administered by the U.S. Census Bureau's Center for Economics Studies (CES). For more information on accessing LEHD data through the RDCs, click here.

Senior research fellows and research staff at LEHD work on research supporting the analytic needs of policy planners, government agencies, the business community, academic researchers as well as on research protecting the confidentially of the data. The unique and comprehensive nature of LEHD data is reflected in the diversity of ongoing LEHD research projects, which range from the creation of new measures of workforce quality to the analysis of commuting patterns to the development of confidentiality protection techniques.

For more information on ongoing research at LEHD as well as links to working papers for the related projects, select from the list of projects below:

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies · Contact Us ·  Last Revised: February 01, 2008

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