Scientific Name
Quercus phellos

Common Name
Willow oak

Hardiness Zones: 5-9
Habit: Deciduous
Growth Rate: Moderate to rapid
Site Requirements: Sun; prefers moist well drained soil but will grow in a wide range of soil conditions including compacted soil
Texture: Fine to medium
Form: Conical in youth; rounded crown; dense
Height: 60 to 80'
Width: 30 to 40'
Leaf: 2 to 5.5" alternate, narrow, simple leaves; slightly wavy; yellow to yellow brown fall color
Flower/Fruit: .5" acorn; often alternate years of heavy bearing; not as messy as some oaks
Comments: Native; fibrous root system; easy to transplant; good street tree; tolerant of heat, drought, air pollution and standing water; acorns eaten by birds and squirrels; small leaves are easy to clean up in fall
Cultivars: --
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© Erv Evans, Consumer Horticulturist
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