This web page shows the domains of the various output grids created from the operational NCEP North American Meso (NAM, formerly Eta) model forecast. The file naming convention is:

Also included is the domain of the 13-km RUC, whose output grids have this naming convention (all RUC output grids have the same corner points):

Click on the grid number below to get a map which shows the grid domain. The NAM computational domain is shown on each map with dashed lines.

110 vs. NAM-12 0.125 deg lat/lon awldas 3 Hours
209 vs. NAM-12 44 Km Lambert Conformal awip44 3 Hours
211 vs. NAM-12 80 Km Lambert Conformal awp211 6 Hours File inventory Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories)
212 vs. NAM-12 40 Km Lambert Conformal awip3d 3 Hours File inventory (Fcst hours 00,03,15,27,39,51,63,75)
File inventory (All other forecast hours)
Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories)
218 vs. NAM-12 12 Km Lambert Conformal awip12 (2-d surface fields), awphys (3-d pressure level fields) 3 Hours (awip12): Hourly from 0-36h, 3 Hourly from 39-84 h (awphys) File inventory (awip12, Fcst hours 00,03,15,27,39,51,63,75)
File inventory (awip12, All other forecast hours)
File inventory (awphys, Fcst hours 00-08,10-11,13-17,19,20,22-23,25-29,31-32,34-35,39,51,63,75)
File inventory (awphys, All other forecast hours)
Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories) Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page)
221 vs. NAM-12 32 Km Lambert Conformal awip32 3 Hours File inventory Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories) Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page)
104 vs. NAM-12 90 Km Polar Stereographic grbgrd 3 Hours File inventory Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories)
207 vs. NAM-12 95 Km Polar Stereographic awp207 6 Hours
216 vs. NAM-12 45 Km Polar Stereographic awipak 3 Hours File inventory Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories) Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page)
217 vs. NAM-12 22.5 Km Polar Stereographic awp217 3 Hours File inventory (Fcst hours 00,03,15,27,39,51,63,75)
File inventory (All other forecast hours)
Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories) Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page)
237 vs. NAM-12 32 Km Lambert Conformal awp237 3 Hours Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page)
242 vs. NAM-12 11.25 Km Lambert Conformal awp242 (2-d surface fields only), awak3d (3-d pressure level fields) 3 Hours File inventory (awak3d)) See Note 2 Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page)
243 vs. NAM-12 0.4 degree lat/lon awiphi 3 Hours File inventory Most recent GRIB2 files (go to "nam.YYYYMMDD" directories) Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page)
236 vs. NAM-12 40 Km Lambert Conformal (RUC) See above See above File inventory (Fcst hours 00,01)
File inventory (Fcst hours 03,04,07,10)
File inventory (Fcst hours 05,06,08,09,11,12)
Most recent files Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (ESRL web page)
252 vs. NAM-12 20 Km Lambert Conformal (RUC) See above See above File inventory (Fcst hours 00,01)
File inventory (Fcst hours 03,04,07,10)
File inventory (Fcst hours 05,06,08,09,11,12)
Most recent files Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (ESRL web page)
255 vs. NAM-12 13 Km Lambert Conformal (RUC) See above See above File inventory (Fcst hour 00)
File inventory (Fcst hours 01-12)
Most recent files Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (ESRL web page)
4 km HiResWindow grids vs. NAM-12 East/Central U.S and West/Central: 4 Km Lambert Conformal
Alaska : 4-km Polar Stereographic
Hawaii/Puerto Rico : 0.045 degree Lat/lon
(All grids are #255)
awpreg, awp4km (East CONUS run only) Hourly Alaska File inventory (awpreg)
West File inventory (awpreg)
East File inventory (awpreg)
Hawaii File inventory (awpreg)
Puerto Rico File inventory (awpreg)
Most recent files (go to "hiresw.YYYYMMDD" directories) Most recent graphics (NCO web page)
Most recent graphics (EMC web page>

NOTE 1: Grids "awipak", "awip20", "awip12", "awip3d", "awp211", and "grbgrd" are available on the NWS TOC server at ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/ST.opnl/, once in this directory click on "MT.nam_CY_HH", where HH=cycle time (00,06,12,18), and then click on "RD.YYYYMMDD", where YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day. Then click on "PT.grid_DF.gr1" which will get you to the NAM GRIB data (finally!)

NOTE 2: Grid "awp242" is also available on the NWS TOC server at ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/SL.us008001/ST.opnl/, once in this directory click on "MT.nam_AR_ak_CY_HH", where HH=cycle time (00,06,12,18), and then click on "RD.YYYYMMDD", where YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day. Then click on "PT.grid_DF.gr1" which will get you to the NAM GRIB data (finally!)

Click here to get ASCII files of the latitude/longitude of all points on each output grid listed above. Each list contains:
