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Northern Fur Seal Photo Archive List

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Tree showing how the archive images are organized

The photo archive is organized into four categories: aerial photograph collectection, ground-level photograph collection, rookery maps and charts, and supplemental rookery photograph documents. Within the aerial and ground-level collections, there are several series of photos. "Series" typically refers to photos taken in the same year by the same photographer, or photographs taken in the same year during the same research effort.

In addition to the four categories, the Related Groups section was created in an effort to improve efficiency and ease navigation. A "related group" refers to ground-level photographs that are of the same viewpoint and/or general location. In order to be considered a related group, the photographs must span over at least two photo series (i.e., years), thus providing a photographic time series; see Image Uses for examples.

A different approach is necessary to locate aerial photographs of similar locations. For aerial images, the user needs to search for a specific rookery name and rookery section.

This archive contains images from various hard-copy materials, including digital images, photo prints, transparencies, 35 mm slides, unpublished materials, and graphic materials in published books. Images were named in such a way to provide two important facts: the year of the photograph and indicate whether the image is a part of a larger panoramic scene (i.e., 1895—Plate 4a (1 of 2).tif). Files within this photo archive are typically available in two formats, JPEG and TIFF, to accommodate a wide range of computer capabilities with varying broadband connections. After all the images were digitized, low resolution (96 dpi) JPG files were made from the original, high resolution images (400-4000 dpi).




Maps & Charts


Related Groups


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