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2008 Weedy and Invasive Species Grants

CSREES has awarded $4.4 million in weedy and invasive species grants to 14 universities to conduct research projects aimed at developing ecologically, economically rational strategies to manage, control or eliminate weedy or invasive species.

It has been estimated that approximately 50,000 species of plants and animals have been introduced into the United States resulting in more than $100 billion in losses and damage each year. Invasive species threatened biodiversity, habitat quality, and ecosystem function. It is estimated that invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42 percent of the endangered and threatened species in the United States. The goal of the Biology of Weedy and Invasive Species in Agroecosystems program is to provide strategies for management, control, or elimination of weedy or invasive species.  Abstracts of CSREES-funded weedy and invasive proposals are available. 

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