Motor Vehicle

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Text Messaging Banned while Driving Motorcycle MSRC   Motorcycle Stats   PDC-09 OPNAVINST 5100.12H CH-1 Brief   PDC-09 Motorcycle Safety 101 Brief   Traffic Safety & RODS Newsletters Military SportBike RiderCourse Trainer Application   Certification Course    Traffic Safety Training POC's  Military SportBike Rider Course (MSRC) Schedule   NHTSA Speed Tool Kit   NTSB Advises States To Mandate A Helmet Law!   TRiPS--The Travel Risk Planning System ATV Instructor Sums It Up Traffic safety videos, news spots and PSAs Ashore Lessons Learned Best Practices Navy Off-Duty Personal Motor Vehicle (PMV) Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities Traffic Safety Toolbox Safe Communities' Program

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Division Head
(757) 444-3520 ext. 7165
DSN 564-3520 ext. 7165

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Navy Traffic Safety Program   Marine Corps Traffic Safety Program   Motor Vehicle Command Checklist for Supervisors Liberty Incident Reduction Program   Individual Checklist Post Deployment Leave/Liberty Driving Mishap Risk Indicator - Self Assessment Survey Motorcycle


Public-service advertisements and posters dealing with motorcycle and ATV safety from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation CNET Entry-Level Traffic Safety Program "No Zones" for various vehicles (courtesy of C/106.23, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard)
D-51 bus   E-273 Cushman scooter   N-37 refuse truck   S-92 semi truck  


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More Information

Frequently Asked Questions Traffic5100 is the Navy and Marine Corps resource-packed traffic-safety handbook. Skills for Life -- Interactive training course for making informed and sound personal decisions. Sea&Shore magazine Ashore magazine

Last Modified: Monday, June 22, 2009