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• About FAS Attaché Reports

On May 26, 2009, the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) posted a Global Agriculture Information Network (GAIN) report titled, “The Unexplored Potential of Organic-Biotech Production.”  This report should have been accompanied by a clear statement that the report does not represent the policy of the United States Government, and given this, the report has been removed from the agency’s Web site. It should be noted that USDA’s National Organic Program regulations exclude the use of genetically engineered organisms in organic production. Additionally, FAS has no role in the administration of the National Organic Program.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The GAIN Report system has been redesigned. While the new GAIN system is being phased in, FAS overseas posts have been granted the option of submitting their reports to the legacy ("old") GAIN system, the new GAIN system, or to both. Therefore, during this transistion period, you will need to search both systems. We will post updated information when the transition period ends.

Reports released on or after March 18, 2009 to the new system are available here:

Use the search options below to find all GAIN reports released before March 18, 2009 as well as those released after that date to the "legacy" system.

It should be noted that Production, Supply, and Distribution (PSD) data in GAIN reports are NOT official USDA data, but represent estimates made by FAS Attachés. Official USDA PSD data are determined after analyzing all overseas reports and drawing on additional sources, including more than 1,500 documents received from private and public sources around the world, global weather information, and satellite imagery analysis. After this analysis, official USDA data are released in USDA’s "World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates" monthly report and in FAS’ "World Production, Market, and Trade" reports.

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