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Commodity Costs and Returns: U.S. and Regional Cost and Return Data


U.S and Regional Cost and Return Estimates for the Most Recent 2 Years, 2007-08

These estimates are presented for the United States and ERS Farm Resource Regions for most commodities and are updated biannually with preliminary estimates released on May 1 and final estimates released on October 1.


Recent Historic Costs and Returns, United States and ERS Farm Resource Regions, New Format and Regions

The estimates are presented in excelExcel file spreadsheets for different periods that correspond to changes in the survey base year. Users can choose among the different periods by selecting the tabs displayed at the bottom of the spreadsheets.

These estimates were made using the format and methods endorsed by the AAEA task force on commodity costs and returns and ERS Farm Resource Regions.


Historic Costs and Returns, United States and ERS Production Regions, Old Format and Regions

These estimates date from 1975 and use the previous format and methods and regional definitions. In some cases the time series is broken into different periods due to changes in the accounting methods, account structure, and the adding or deleting of regions. The production regions were defined to include States or areas with similar resource characteristics and where similar practices were used to produce the commodity.


Effects of Government Programs on Costs and Returns

Estimates including the effects of Government programs on commodity costs and returns were reported for selected commodities in various years from 1988 through 1995. These estimates were discontinued in 1996 due to changes in the farm program that eliminated income support payments tied to commodity prices in favor of flexibility contract payments.


Monthly Milk Costs of Production

Methods of estimating the monthly milk costs of production (COP) in each State use the most recent annual estimate as the baseline, along with indexes that reflect price and production differences between months and the baseline.


For more information, contact: William McBride

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Updated date: August 25, 2009