STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT DATA: MARCH 1997 TENNESSEE STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS State Population Estimate (July, 1997) 5368198 Total Employees Full-Time (Full-time + Equivalent Payroll Function Part-time) Employment March Total 309662 276033 621990777 Financial Administration 6258 6046 14529017 Central Administration 5127 3904 8957786 Judicial & Legal 5570 5243 14689263 Police Protection 15923 15294 38161699 with Power of Arrest 11918 11716 30799567 Other 4005 3578 7362132 Fire Protection 7028 6008 17168165 Firefighters 6670 5687 16269512 Fire Other 358 321 898653 Corrections 11993 11906 24464770 Streets & Highways 11726 11634 21941836 Airports 753 721 2076729 Water Transportation 13 11 28958 Public Welfare 8323 8060 16752684 Health 6355 6186 14585322 Hospitals 24987 23745 53517441 Social Insurance Admin 1715 1631 3681680 Solid Waste Mgmt 4466 4221 7458802 Sewage Disposal 1790 1759 3528349 Parks & Recreation 5747 4973 7588820 Housing & Comm Dev 2764 2691 5825782 Natural Resources 3977 3665 8085554 Water Supply 4259 4060 9602699 Electric Power 4867 4816 15445446 Gas Supply 1968 1947 5459859 Transit 363 313 671813 Elem & Sec Total 116816 102304 218801505 Instructional 80839 73799 181824813 Other 35977 28505 36976692 Higher Educ. Total 45463 34324 85874896 Instructional 15662 12154 43978334 Other 29801 22170 41896562 Other Education 1912 1830 4463783 Libraries 1579 1335 2335753 State Liquor Stores 0 0 0 Other & Unallocable 7920 7406 16292366