2003 Public Employment Data State and Local Governments TENNESSEE Population Estimate (July, 2003) 5,841,748 Full-time Total Equivalent Full-time March Employment Equivalent CV Payroll CV per 10,000 Function Employment (%) ($) (%) Population Total 311,601 0.40 880,713,325 0.31 538.19 Financial administration 6,565 3.32 20,309,409 2.63 11.34 Other government administration 5,105 7.55 14,298,567 5.55 8.82 Judicial and Legal 6,083 0.82 20,157,739 0.63 10.51 Police with power of arrest 13,365 1.15 44,087,189 0.74 23.08 Police - other 4,660 1.25 12,279,376 0.83 8.05 Firefighters 6,784 4.44 24,011,641 1.44 11.72 Fire - other 440 2.30 1,602,717 0.80 0.76 Correction 12,916 1.05 31,848,732 0.73 22.31 Highways 11,122 1.59 26,480,447 1.09 19.21 Air transportation 717 10.73 2,941,725 3.78 1.24 Water transport and canals 7 0.00 30,051 0.00 0.01 Public Welfare 7,577 0.42 18,722,450 0.23 13.09 Health 6,916 1.46 19,357,720 1.28 11.95 Hospitals 29,952 0.20 89,524,043 0.26 51.73 Social insurance administration 1,525 0.00 4,078,908 0.00 2.63 Solid waste management 4,509 1.96 10,297,453 1.26 7.79 Sewerage 2,196 10.24 6,150,827 7.08 3.79 Parks and recreation 4,983 4.61 10,170,504 1.64 8.61 Housing and community developmen 2,428 1.67 6,864,027 1.85 4.19 Natural resources 3,789 1.37 10,276,732 0.46 6.54 Water supply 4,570 4.20 13,859,553 2.89 7.89 Electric power 6,083 1.06 25,265,778 1.07 10.51 Gas supply 2,372 5.17 7,919,060 3.40 4.10 Transit 1,062 0.80 3,099,570 0.22 1.83 Elem & Sec Instructional 83,873 1.00 260,336,244 0.87 144.86 Elem & Sec - Other 35,807 3.43 59,618,420 2.30 61.85 Higher Ed Instructional 11,863 0.00 54,027,022 0.00 20.49 Higher Ed - Other 23,692 0.00 54,289,166 0.00 40.92 Other education 1,924 0.00 5,627,744 0.00 3.32 Libraries 1,515 2.37 3,579,131 1.59 2.62 State liquor stores 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 All other and unallocable 7,201 3.28 19,601,380 3.21 12.44