Research at the National Archives

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Electronic and Special Media Records Services:
Staff Bibliography

Selected Publications and Presentations Related to Electronic Records

The staff of the Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division not only appraises, accessions, preserves and provides access to records in the National Archives, but also engages in a wide variety of professional activities. The following articles, presentations and other writings provide information about NARA's custodial program for electronic records and the burgeoning field of Electronic Records.

The bibliography below contains both publications and papers from staff (1988-present) including persons no longer on the staff, as well as papers by divison staff in conjunction with the Career Intern Development System.

Publications and papers dated before 1988 are limited to those staff that relate to NARA's program for electronic (or machine-readable) records. The unpublished materials on this list are available from the Archives Library Information Center (ALIC).

To request unpublished materials, call (301) 837-3415, visit the Library Reference Desk (Room 3000, National Archives at College Park) or send e-mail requests to

Selected Publications

Adams, Margaret O.
- "The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), " compiled essay in Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census, Margo J. Anderson, editor in chief. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2000. pp. 285-290.
- "Myths and Realities About the 1960 Census." PROLOGUE, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Winter 2000), pp. 266-270. It is accessible online at:
- "An Early Perspective on the 'Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996'", IASSIST Quarterly 21:2 (Summer 1997), pp. 58-62
- "Myths and Realities about the 1960 Census", with Thomas Brown, apdu newsletter, September 1997, (Vol. 22, No. 9), pp. 8-9; 16.
- "IASSIST/IFDO 1997 Conference", apdu newsletter, June 1997, pp. 11-13.
- " Historical Narrative on Data from the 1960 Census," with Thomas E. Brown.
- "The Government Information Locator Service: Origins and Potential," with Sharon Gibbs Thibodeau. Journal of Government Information, Vol. 23, No. 4 (1996), pp. 453-462 and "Erratum," Journal of Government Information, Vol. 23, No. 5/6 (1996), pp. 747-748. 
- "Punch Card Records: Precursors of Electronic Records," American Archivist, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Spring 1995), pp. 182-201. 
- "Electronic Communications for Reference Services: A Case Study," with Theodore J. Hull. Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 3 [1995], pp. 297-308. 
- "Managing Electronic Records by William Saffady," a book review, American Archivist, Vol. 57 (Summer 1994), pp. 560-562. 
- "Electronic Records and the Environment," Agricultural History, Vol. 66, No. 2, Spring 1992, pp. 339-344. 
- "Vietnam Records in the National Archives: Electronic Records," Prologue, Vol 23, No. 1, Spring 1991, pp. 76-84.
- "Electronic Records at the National Archives: Resources for Women's Studies," NWSA [National Women's Studies Association] Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1990, pp. 269-272. 
- "Utilizing Computer-Readable Records," with Bruce I. Ambacher. OAH Newsletter, February 1989, pp. 12-13. 

Ambacher, Bruce I.
- "Overview of Archival Practices and Issues" in PE&RS, Journal of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. LXIII, No. 10, October 1997, pp. 1155-116.
- "Archival Sampling: A Method of Appraisal and A Means of Retention" with Gregory Bradsher. MARAC Technical Leaflet Series No. 8. Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference. 
- "Utilizing Computer-Readable Records," with Margaret O. Adams. OAH Newsletter (February 1989), pp. 12-13.
- "Managing Machine-Readable Archives" in Managing Archives and Archival Institutions (London: Mansell Publishing Ltd., 1988). 
- "National Archives: Data Transfer and Storage" with Charles M. Dollar. Reanalyzing Program Evaluations (Washington: Jossey-Bass, 1981). 
- "The National Archives and Secondary Analysis" with Charles M. Dollar. Secondary Analysis (Washington: Jossey-Bass, 1978).

Brown, Thomas E.
- "Myths and Realities About the 1960 Census." PROLOGUE, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Winter 2000), pp. 266-270. It is accessible online at:
- "Privacy and Computerized Data Bases," IASSIST Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Fall 1998), pp. 12-16.
- "Myths and Realities about the 1960 Census", with Margaret O. Adams, apdu newsletter, September 1997, (Vol. 22, No. 9), pp. 8-9; 16.
- "Historical Narrative on Data from the 1960 Census," with Margaret O. Adams.
- "Myth or Reality: Is There a Generation Gap Among Electronic Records Archivists?" Archivaria (No. 41, Spring 1996), pp. 234-243. 
- "The Freedom of Information Act in the Information Age: the Electronic Challenge to the People's Right to Know," American Archivist, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Spring 1995), pp. 202-211. 
- "A Decade of Development: Educational Programs for Automated Records and Techniques Within the Society of American Archivists," American Archivist, Vol. 56 No. 3 (Summer 1993), pp. 410-423 
- "Statistics and Archives: A Symbiotic Relationship" in Proceedings of the 151st Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Government Statistics Division, Atlanta, GA, August 18-22, 1991 (Washington DC: American Statistical Association, 1991), pp. 52-55.
- "Machine Readable Views" Archival Informatics Newsletter (Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 1989), pp. 5-7. 
- "Machine Readable Views" Archival Informatics Newsletter (Vol. 2, No. 3, Fall 1988), pp. 50-51. 
- "Machine Readable Views" Archival Informatics Newsletter (Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 1988), pp. 5-6. 
- "The Evolution of an Appraisal Theory for Automated Records." Archival Informatics Newsletter (Vol. 1 No. 3, Fall 1987), pp. 49-51. 
- "Machine Readable Views" Archival Informatics Newsletter (Vol. 1, No. 4, Winter 1987) pp. 70-71. 
- "North of the 49th Parallel" Archival Informatics Newsletter (Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1987), pp. 5-6. 
- "Machine Readable Views" Archival Informatics Newsletter (Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1987), pp. 5-7. 
- The Archival Management of Machine Readable Records in Data Base Management Systems: A Technical Information Leaflet, with William A. Reader (Pittsburgh:Archives and Museum Informatics, 1987). 
- "Archives Law and Machine-readable Data Files: A Look at the United States," IASSIST Quarterly, Vol. 10, No.1 (Spring 1986), pp.3-7. 
- "Government Archivists and Government Automation: The Odd Couple" with Patricia Aronsson, Government Publications Review Vol. 13 (1986), pp. 561-570. 
- "The Society of American Archivists Confronts the Computer," American Archivist (Vol. 47, No. 4, Fall 1984), pp. 366-382.
- "The Meaning and Use of 'Archival'," in, Computer Science and Technology NBS Special Publication 500-111, Proceedings of the National Bureau of Standards/National Security Agency Workshop on Standardization Issues for Optical Digital Data Disk (OD3) Technology (Held at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland June 1-3, 1983), pp. 140-141.
- "Who Owns Contract and Grant Data and Who Can Use It?: A Look at the U.S.A.," IASSIST Newsletter, (Vol. 6, No. 3, Spring 1982), pp. 4-8. 

Cameron, Ross
  • "Appraisal Strategies for Machine-Readable Case Files" Provenance: Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists (Vol. 1 No. 1, Spring 1983), pp. 49-55.
Conrad, Mark
- "Electronic Records in the U.S. Federal Government: One Archivist's Experience," For the Record: Data Archives, Electronic Records, Access to Research Information and the Needs of the Research Community (Dublin, Ireland: Institute of Public Administration, 1996), pp. 64-72.
- "To Have and to Hold?: Archival Responsibility in the Electronic Age," Irish Archives, Vol. 13, No. 1 n.s. (Spring, 1996), pp. 36-39. - Reeling Them In: Accessioning the Electronic Records of the United States Government" IASSIST Quarterly, Vol.18, No. 1/2, Spring/Summer 1994, pp. 11-13.
- "Evaluation and Appraisal of University Administrative Computing Datasets," IASSIST Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 2, Summer 1991, pp. 11-13. 

Eaton, Fynnette
- "Preservation and Archival Issues for Electronic Records: the Center for Electronic Records of the National Archives and Records Administration," with Theodore J. Hull, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference (April 15 - 18, 1996). 
- "Guest Editor's Introduction" [to the Committee on Automated Records and Techniques (CART) Special Issue on Case Studies], American Archivist, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Spring 1995), pp. 120-122. 
- "Preservation Strategies for Electronic Records," SPECTRA, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Winter 1994-95), pp. 22-24. 
- "Electronic Media and Preservation," IASSIST Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1/2, Spring/Summer 1994, pp. 14-17. 
- "Preserving Electronic Records: Not the Easiest Task," in Third NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies, NASA Conference Publication 3262, ed. Benjamin Kobler and P.C. Hariharan (Washington, D.C.: NASA) 1994, pp. 99-102.
- "The National Archives and Electronic Records For Preservation" in, Preservation of Electronic Formats and Electronic Formats for Preservation, ed. Janice Mohlenrich (Fort Atkinson, WI: Highsmith Press) 1993, pp. 41-62. 

Gladwin, Lee A.
-"Alan M. Turing's Contributions to Cryptanalytic Co-operation between the United Kingdom and the United States, 1942-1943," Christof Teuscher (ED), Alan M. Turing-Festschrift (Springer-Verlag, October 2003).
-"Alan M. Turing's Critique of Running Short Cribs on the US Navy Bombe," Cryptologia (to be published January 2003).
-"Alan Turing's Visit to Dayton," Cryptologia, Vol. XXV, No. 1 (January, 2001).
-"TOP SECRET: Recovering and Breaking the US Army and Army Air Force Order of Battle Codes, 1941-1945," PROLOGUE Vol. 32 No. 3 (Fall 2000)
-"Cautious Collaborators: The Struggle for Anglo-American Cryptanalytic Co-operation, 1940-1943"; David Alvarez (Ed) Allied and Axis Signals Intelligence in World War II (London: Frank Cass Publishers, 1999).
- "The Library of Congress at a Glance: Text Visualization and Reference Rooms Without Walls" IASSIST Quarterly (Vol. 18, No. 1/2, Spring/Summer 1994), pp. 18-22.

Harrison, Donald F. 
- "Introduction, Automation in Archives: A Collection of Essays from the Fall 1990 Meeting of MARAC (1991)."
- "Computers, Electronic Data, and the Vietnam War" Archivaria - Special Issue on Archives and Military History. (No. 26, Summer 1988), pp. 18-26.
- "The National Archives and Electronic Data," with Edie Hedlin, Reference Services Review, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1988), pp. 13-16. - "Machine-Readable Sources For the Study of the War in Vietnam," Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences-4: Proceedings of the International Conference on Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences (July 1987), pp. 179-191. 
- "Downloading for PC Users, Part I: The U.S. Government Experience," with W. Jon Heddesheimer, IASSIST Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring 1987, pp. 3-10.

Henry, Linda J.
- "Archivists and Statistical Literacy," with Tom Southerly. Of Significance...A Topical Journal of the Association of Public Data Users: Statistical Literacy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1999, pp. 31-34.
- "Schellenberg in Cyberspace," American Archivist, Vol. 61, No. 2, Fall 1998, pp. 309-327.
- "An Archival Retread in Electronic Records: Acquiring Computer Literacy," American Archivist, Vol. 56, Summer 1993, pp. 514-521.

Hull, Theodore J.

- "The County as a Statistical Entity and County-Level Data in the National Archives," Of Significance A Topical Journal of the Association of Public Data Users (2001, vol. 3, No. 2).
-"Introduction: Permanent Public Access and Permanent Preservation," Of Significance A Topical Journal of the Association of Public Data Users (2000, vol. 2, No. 2); also served as guest editor for this issue of Of Significance on the Preservation of Public Data.
- "Genealogy Notes: Electronic Records of Korean and Vietnam War Casualties," Prologue: Quarterly of the National Archives, (Summer 2000).
- "Electronic Records Relevant to Research on Mining," Prologue: Quarterly of the National Archives, (Summer 1999, vol. 31, No. 2).
- "Business Statistics and the National Economy: Electronic Records of the Department of Commerce in the National Archives and Records Administration," "Business and Economic History", (Fall 1998, vol. 27, No. 1)
- "Electronic Records in the National Archives of the United States Relevant to Latin American Studies," Organization of American States - Inter-American Review of Bibliography, Vol. 47, No. 1-4. (1997) pp.23-30. 
- "Archives Accessions" Association of Public Data Users Newsletter, regular contributor: November 1997 - 
- "Reference Services for Electronic Records in Archives," Co-published simultaneously in The Reference Librarian (No. 56) and Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts (ed. Laura B. Cohen) The Hayworth Press, Inc., 1997), pp. 147-160.
- "Preservation and Archival Issues for Electronic Records: the Center for Electronic Records of the National Archives and Records Administration," with Fynnette Eaton, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference (April 15 - 18, 1996).
- "Archives Accessions," apdu newsletter, September 1997 (Vol. 22, No. 9), pg.14.
- "Archives Adds County to County Data Files," Association of Public Data Users Newsletter, 1995 (Vol. 19, No. 7), p. 3. 
- "Reference Services and Electronic Records: The Impact of Changing Methods of Communication and Access," Reference Services Review, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Summer 1995), pp. 73-78. 
- "Electronic Communications for Reference Services: A Case Study" with Margaret O. Adams. Government Information Quarterly Vol. 12, No. 3 (1995), pp. 297-308.
- "National Archives Updates Title List," Association of Public Data Users Newsletter, 1995 (Vol. 19, No. 2), p. 12. 
- "Electronic Records in the National Archives for World War II Research" Prologue (Fall 1994), pp. 166-169. 
- "The ARCHIVES Listserv: Life in the Fast Lane of the Information Highway," with Albin Wagner, MicroMARC:amc Users Group Newsletter, Summer 1994, (Vol. 7, No. 3), pp. 18-19. 
- "Mississippi" and "Oregon" in Bureau of the Census and Association of Public Data Users, A Guide to State and Local Census Geography, (June 1993). 

LaMotta, Greg
- "Electronic Records in the National Archives Relating to the History of Agriculture and Rural America," Agricultural History, Vol. 70, No. 2 (Spring 1996), pp. 439-448.

Long, Suzanna M,
- "Documenting Federal Scientific and Technical Information (STI): A Discussion of Appraisal Criteria and Applications for the National Archives and Records Administration," Journal of Government Information, Vol. 22, No. 4 (1995), pp. 311-319.

McGovern, Nancy 
- "An Introduction" and "The Society of American Archivists," with Thomas Ruller; in the special section on "Archives and Electronic Records," ASIS Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 1 (October/November, 1993), pp. 9-10 and 23-24. 
- "U.S. National Archives in Archives of Data-Processing History, A Guide to Major U.S. Collections" ed. by James W. Cortada, Greenwood Press, (1990), pp. 1-30.
- "Records in the National Archives Relating to the Early Involvement of the U.S. Government in Data Processing, 1880's to 1950's," National Archives Reference Information Paper No. 76 (1988).

Minnick, Al
- "Electronic Records Bulletin Series," Alaskan Archives and Records Management Services, January 1, 1994.
- "The Public Records Database," Alaskan Archives and Records Management Services, March 3, 1994.
- "The Archives of the Future: Archival Strategies for the Treatment of Electronic Databases: A Report for the National Archives and Records Administration by the National Academy of Public Administration," a book review, American Archivist, Vol. 57 (Winter 1994), pp. 150-151.
- "What Can MicroMARC Do for You?" MUG (MicroMARC:amc Users Group) Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1-2 (April 1989), pp. 2-7.

Reid, Lydia
- "Electronic Records Training: Suggestions for the Implementation of the 'CART' Curriculum", American Archivist, Vol. 58, No. 3, (Summer 1995), pp. 326-340.

Southerly, Tom
- "Archivists and Statistical Literacy," with Linda J. Henry. Of Significance...A Topical Journal of the Association of Public Data Users: Statistical Literacy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1999, pp. 31-34.

Thibodeau, Kenneth 
- "L'impacte des archives électroniques sur l'évaluation: trente ans d'expériences aux Archives Nationales des Étas Unis," Groupe Interdisciplinaire de recherche en Archivistique, L'évaluation des archives: des nécessités de la gestion aux exigences du témoignage, Troisième symposium en archivistique, Université de Montréal, March 27, 1998, pp. 320-329.
- "International Research: Appraisal and Preservation of Scientific Databases," Archivum. 1997. Vol. 43, pp. 320-329.
- "Planning for Preservation of Digital Information: an Archival Perspective." Proceedings of the 6th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference. Washington, DC. United States Government Printing Office. 1997, pp. 176-178.
- "Boundaries and Transformations: An Object-Oriented Strategy for Preservation of Electronic Records." Proceedings of the DLM Forum on Electronic Records, Brussels, 18-20 December 1996. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997 (pp. 161-167). 
- "Managing Archival Records in the Information Age: Fundamental Challenges." Information Policies in the 1990s. Peter Hernon, Charles McClure, and Harold Relyea, editors. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation. 1996, pp. 279-295. 
- "Reengineering Records Management: the U.S. Department of Defense, Records Management Task Force." With Daryll R. Prescott. Archivi & Computer: Automazione e Beni Culturali. 1/1996, pp. 71-78. 
- "Digitizing Information and Committing to Electronic Systems. The Life Cycle of Government Information: Challenges of Electronic Innovation." 1995 FLICC Forum on Federal Information Policies. Washington, D.C. Federal Library and Information Center Committee. March 24, 1995, pp. 3-4. 
- "Preserving Scientific Information on the Physical Universe," IASSIST Quarterly (Vol. 19, No. 4, Winter 1995), pp. 25-29
- "Electronic Records Activities at the National Archives and Records Administration (USA)," in Playing for Keeps: The Proceedings of an Electronic Records Management Conference Hosted by the Australian Archives, Canberra Australia, 8-10 November 1994. ed., Stephen Yorke, pp. 34-51. 
- "Electronic Records Activities at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration," Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, No. 18 (1993), pp. 55-57. 
- Book review: Les Sciences en Alsace, 1538-1988. ISIS Vol. 84 (1993) 359.
- "National Archives and Records Administration," in Proceedings: Managing Terabyte Databases in the 90s and Beyond, Mitre Corp. 1993, pp. 45-47.
- "The Long Haul: Storing Data At The National Archives," NASA. NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications (Greenbelt, MD 1992), Vol. 1, pp. I-183-187.
- "The Long Haul: Storing Data At The National Archives," NASA. NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications (Greenbelt, MD 1992), Vol. 1, pp. I-183-187.
- "Study of Federal Databases Completed." National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators. NAGARA Clearinghouse. Vol 8, No. 1 (1992), p. 8. 
- "A Study of Federal Data Bases," in Proceedings of the 151st Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Government Statistics Division, Atlanta, GA, August 18-22, 1991 (Washington DC: American Statistical Association, 1991), pp. 48-51. 
- "To Be or Not To Be: Archives for Electronic Records," Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, No. 13 (1991), pp. 1-13.
- "Information Resources Management In Context and Contest," in Proceedings of the International Council on Archives' Symposium on Current Records, National Archives of Canada (May 15-17, 1989), pp. 191-200. 

Zeimer, Heidi
- Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: "The American Soldier" Surveys, with Ben DeWhitt, National Archives Reference Information Paper No. 78 (1991).

Selected Presentations

Adams, Margaret O. - "Historical Electronic Records Related to the Cold War Preserved in the National Archives and Records Administration." Presented at the Conference on "The Power of Free Inquiry and Cold War International History," Sponsored by the National Archives and Records Administration and the University of Maryland, September 25-26, 1998.
- "Diversity in Reference Services for Electronic Records at NARA," presented at SAA, August 29, 1997
- "Not Your Traditional Archives: Electronic Records and the Historian," presented at the Organization of American Historians, April 1, 1995.
- "Saving the Past of the Future: Long-Term Access to Networked Information," presented at SIGNIDR VI, March 24, 1995.
- "Converging Professions? Data Archivists, Data Librarians... Archivists, Librarians, and Information Scientists," presented at ASIS, October 27, 1993. 
- "Patterns of Use of Electronic Records from a Government Archives," presented at SAA, September 2, 1993. 
- "Archival Reference and Use: New Trends and Development in Reference Services for Electronic Records," presented at MARAC May 8, 1992. 

Ambacher, Bruce I.
- "Developing Standards for Retained Scientific Records: What is An Archives?" presented at ISO Consultative Committee for Space Systems, August 30, 1997.
- "Translating the U.S. National Archives Electronic Records Experience," presented at SAA, 1996.
- "The Federal Geographic Data Committee: Raising Archival Consciousness in the Spatial Data Community," presented at SAA, 1994. 
- "Automating Accessions Planning at NARA," presented at SAA, September 5, 1993.
- "The NARA Life Cycle Coordination Project," presented at MARAC, 1989.
- "Teaching About Automated Records and Techniques." SAA, October 26, 1989.
- "A Federal Perspective on the Report of the Committee on the Records of Government," presented at SAA, October 31, 1985. 
- "Continuing Education in Machine-Readable Records," presented at SAA, 1984. 
- "Benefits from Inventorying and Scheduling Machine-Readable Records," presented at Wisconsin Survey of Machine Readable Public Records, Records Management Workshop, Nov. 1980. 
- "Case Studies of Inventorying and Scheduling Federal Machine-Readable Records," presented at SAA, 1980. 
- "Secondary Analysis Using Computers," presented at MARAC, May 19, 1979. 

Brown, Thomas E.
- "The History of the Custodial Program for Electronic Records at the National Archives and Records Administration" at the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology Seminar, "Challenges to the Federal Statistical System in Fostering Access to Statistics," Bethesda MD, November, 2002.
- "When Legislators Act as Archivists," presented at SAA conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 27, 1999.
- "Breaking Paper Barriers: The Future of Traditional Archives in the Global Network," presented at IASSIST-CAPDU conference, Toronto, Canada, May 18, 1999.
- "The Appraisal of the Census Population Schedules in the United States: A Case Study in the Importance of Informational Values," presented at SAA conference, August 1996 - "FOIA and Electronic Records: Meeting the Technical Requirements of the Requester" presentation at American Society of Access Professionals, 1993. 

Carlson, Michael R.
-"NARA's High Capacity Media Study," presented at the IASSIST annual meeting, June 14, 2002.
- "Long Term Storage of Electronic Records," presented to the ARMA Annual Meeting, October 20, 1999.
- "The Challange of Preserving Digital Information," presented to the Department of Defense Visual Information and Combat Camera Conference and Workshop, December 2, 1998.
- "Archival Policies, Practices, and Initiatives," presented at the Data Management Working Group Conference, November 4, 1998.

Conrad, Mark
- "Datasets By Design: Archival Input Into Systems Design," presented at IASSIST, May 1994. 
- "From the Trenches: Scheduling the Electronic Records of the United States Government," presented at IASSIST, May 1993. 

Eaton, Fynnette
- "Historical Perspectives on Preserving Electronic Records at the U.S. National Archives." Paper presented at IASSIST conference in 1996. 
- "Automated Preservation of Electronic Records: A Case Study of the Archival Preservation System," presented at SAA, September 2, 1995. 
- "Ensuring Access to Electronic Information," presented at 12th DOE Office of Technology Conference, Augusta, Georgia, July, 1995. 
- "It's the Message, Not the Medium," presented at SIGCAT '95, Reston, VA, May 1995. 
- "Electronic Records and Preservation," presented at SAA, September 1993. 
- "Possibilities of Optical Disks at the National Archives," presented at IASSIST, May 1991. 
- "Current Practices in the Preservation of Electronic Records at the National Archives," presented at NARA's Sixth Annual Preservation Conference, March, 1991. 
- "Preservation, Reference, and Alternate Media," presented at Advanced Computing and Information Technologies for the Social Sciences, Athens, GA, Spring, 1991. 

Harrison, Donald F.
- "An Archivist's Challenges: Adapting to Changing Technology and Management Techniques," presented at IASSIST, n.d. 

Hull, Theodore J.
- "Electronic Records in the U.S. National Archives: New Sources for Military History Research," presented at Society of Military History, Annual Meeting, April 16, 1999, University Park, PA.
- "Geographic Information Systems: A New Tool for Federal History," Session Chair, presented at the Society for History in the Federal Government Annual Meeting, March 19-20, 1998, College Park, MD.
- "Preserving and Providing Access to Historically Valuable Public Data in a Changing Environment - Holdings and Reference Services of the Center for Electronic Records" (with Michael L. Miller and Madeline Proctor), Association of Public Data Users, October 20, 1997, Washington, DC.
- "Electronic Records in the National Archives and Records Administration Relevant to Research on Mining and Mining Communities," presented at the Eighth Meeting of the Mining History Association, June 5-8, 1997.
- "The Center for Electronic Records: A Program for the Preservation of the Digital Record of the Federal Government," (with Merisue D'Achille) presented at Going Digital Conference, National Archives and Records Administration and the University of Maryland, April 10, 1997.
- "Electronic Records Relating to African-Americans: Records of the Bureau of the Census," presented at [National Archives] African-American History Society, April 16, 1996.
- "The FGDC and NARA: Partners in Providing Access to Historical Geographic Data Files" presented at the Association of American Geographers, March, 1995. 
- "Electronic Records at the National Archives for Geographers," presented at the Association of American Geographers: Middle Atlantic Division, March 12, 1994. 
- "Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Convergence of Issues Between the Archival and GIS Communities," presented at National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NAGARA), July 1993.
- "Frontier Forts in the American West: Integration in the American Communications Network," presented at Association of American Geographers, April 6-10, 1993.
- "Electronic Records and the Vietnam War: Leading Up to Tet," presented at Remembering TET, 1968: An Interdisciplinary Conference on the Vietnam War, November 18-21, 1992. 
- "Plant Closures and Intra-Organizational Change in the Steel Community," presented at Association of American Geographers, April 18-22, 1992. 

Minnick, Al
- "The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) Records: A Need for a Memorial," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Canadian Archivists, [Ottawa, Canada], June, 1997.
- "A Comparative Analysis of SAA Workshops, Sessions, and Practicums in Managing Electronic Records, 1991-1995," presented at SAA, August 19, 1996.
- "Selected Records from the Center for Electronic Records Related to Labor and the Welfare State in the Twentieth Century," presented at the Ninth Symposium of the George Meany Memorial Archives, November 16, 1995.
- "GILS Websites, Reports, Discussion List & Articles," presented at the Annual Meeting of the CITRA (Council International Roundtable on Archives), [College Park, MD], September 8, 1995.
- "Records and Data Management: Common Ground," presented at MARAC, Spring, 1995.
- "What Can MicroMARC Do for you?" presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northwest Archivists Association, Eugene, OR, April 29, 1994.
- "Electronic Recordskeeping with Respect to Privacy and Access Issues," presentation to Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Information Services, Planning, Standards, Policies, and Guidelines Subcommittee, August 18, 1992.

Noble, Richard
- "A Case Study of the National Archives' Program for the Long-term Preservation of Electronic Records," presented at SAA, September 2, 1995. 
- "Preservation of Electronic Records at the National Archives," presented at ALCTS Computer Files Discussion Group: American Library Association Annual Conference (June 26, 1994). 

Palmer, Dian
- "Appraising Electronic Records," presented at MARAC, May 7, 1993. 
- "NARA's Appraisal and Preservation of Electronic Records," presented at Wyoming State Archives' Electronic Records Seminar, (September 1, 1993). 

Stadel-Bevans, Cheryl L.
- "The Electronic Records Project at Cornell University: A Look Back at the First Year," presented at Society of American Archivists, August 26, 1999. Re-presented at Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, November 12, 1999, and to the National Archives Assembly, January 4, 2000.

Thibodeau, Kenneth
- "Electronic Records Archives: An Archival Perspective," presented at National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, July 24, 1999.
- "Our Skills - Their Projects," Dangerous Liaisons? Partnering with Computer Professionals to Create Digital Information Services. 1996 Federal Library and Information Center Committee Symposium on the Information Professional. Washington, D.C. September 24, 1996. 
- "International Research: Appraisal and Preservation of Scientific Databases," International Council on Archives, XIIIth Internaltional Congress on Archives, Beijing, China. September 7, 1996. 
- "The U.S. Department of Defense Records Management Application: Lessons to be Learned," Society of American Archivists, Annual Conference, San Diego, California. August 29, 1996 
- "Institutional Implications of the U.S. Department of Defense Records Management Initiatives." Association of Canadian Archivists, Annual Conference. Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. May 31, 1996
- "Critical Issues in Electronic Records." Second Annual Interagency Classification and Information Management Conference. Vienna, VA. May 23, 1996.
- "Les Archives informatiques aux Archives Nationales des Etats Unis." Quebec,PQ, Canada. Archives Nationales du Quebec. February 20, 1996.
- "Appraising the Long-Term Value of Scientific Data: Results of the National Research Council Study." Society of American Archivists. Washington, D.C. September 1, 1995.
- "Records Management Vision and Outlook." DoD Records Management Conference. Memphis, TN. August 29, 1995.
- "Electronic Storage and Archiving." Interagency Conference on Information and Classification Management. Vienna, VA. May 4, 1995.
- "Preserving Scientific Information on the Physical Universe." International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology, IASSIST Conference. Quebec, Canada. May 3, 1995.
- "The Best of Times... the Worst of Times?" Ottawa, ON, Canada. Conference on Electronic Democracy: Decision Making in the Information Age. November 28, 1994.
- "NARA Policy and Future Plans." U.S. Department of Defense, 1994 DoD Records Management Conference. Atlanta, GA. August 30, 1994.
- "Alternative Forms of Appraisal: The NAPA Study of Federal Databases and The NRC Study of Scientific Data." Society of American Archivists, Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. September 3, 1993.
- "The Challenge of Managing Electronic Records in the Federal Government." The President's Council on Integrity & Efficiency, Information Systems Audit and Investigations Roundtable. Washington, D.C. May 19, 1993. 
- "Background and Purpose of the Study." National Research Council. Steering Commitee for the Study of the Long-Term Retention of Scientific and Technical Records in the Federal Government. Washington, D.C. April 5, 1993. 
- "Electronic Records Programs at the National Archives." Defense Technical Information Center, Annual Users Training Conference. Alexandria, VA. November 5, 1992. 
- "OMB Circular A-130 and Access to Public Data: Where Do We GO Next?" Association of Public Data Users. apdu92: Explorations in a New Age. Washington, D.C. November 2, 1992. 
- "Records Keeping in the 21st Century: Problems and Solutions." Society of Indiana Archivists, Fall Workshop. Indianapolis, IN. October 21, 1992. 
- "Digital Data at the National Archives," National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Terabyte Database Conference. Reston, VA. September 17, 1992. 
- "Archival Requirements for Digital Media." ISBF-92: 1st International Symposium on Barium Ferrite and High Density Recording. Kalamata, Greece. September 9, 1992.
- "The National Academy of Public Administration Study of Major Federal Databases: Lessons and Implications." National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators. Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. July 17, 1992.
- "The Electronic Records Program at the National Archives." University of Pittsburgh, School of Library and Information Science. Pittsburgh, PA. June 5, 1992.
- "National Archives Initiatives for Electronic Records." National Archives and Records Administration. 1992 Records Administration Conference. Washington, D.C. May 20, 1992.
- "The National Archives and the Center for Electronic Records." National Center for Health Statistics, Executive Staff Meeting. Hyattsville, MD. March 24, 1992.
- "Electronic Records Activities at the National Archives in Washington." National Archives of Canada. Staff Seminar. Ottawa, Canada. September 11, 1991. 
- "A Study of Federal Databases." American Statistical Association, 151st Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. August 19, 1991.
- "The Long Haul: Preserving Data at the National Archives." NASA. Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Sciences Applications. Greenbelt, MD. July 25, 1991
- "Data Preservation." Geographic Information and Spatial Data Exposition. Arlington, VA. July 10, 1991. 
- "Federal Electronic Recordkeeping." National Institute of Standards and Technology, Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board. Reston, VA. June 12, 1991. 
- "Preserving Electronic Records." Keynote Address. National Archives and Records Administration. Sixth Annual Preservation Conference. March 19, 1991. 
- "Framework and Issues for Determining the Long-Term Value of Databases." National Academy of Public Administration, Steering Committee for the Study of Federal Databases. Washington, D.C. November 20, 1990. 
- "The Federal Role in Electronic Image Management." Second National Conference and Exposition on Electronic Image management for Government. Washington, D.C. November14, 1990. 
- "To Be or Not to Be: Archives for Electronic Records." National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators. Annual Conference. Boston, MA. July 27, 1990. 
- "Electronic Records: the Big Picture." U.S. Forrest Service, National Directives Management Meeting. Washington, D.C. May 15, 1990. 
- "The Impact of Information Technology on Federal Records Policy. Association for Image and Information Management." Government Affairs Committee Meeting. Silver Spring, MD. May 1, 1990. 
- "Impediments to Implementation of Goals and Objectives for Electronic Records." National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators. Conference on Electronic Records. Washington, D.C. April 29, 1990. 
- "And What Rough Beast? (Prospects and Problems in Data Management)." Conference on Advanced Computing in the Social Sciences. Williamsburg, VA. April 11, 1990. 
- "America's Potential Amnesia." District of Columbia Library Association, ASIS Potomac Chapter, et al. The Joint Spring Workshop, 1990: Implications of Paperless Publishing for the Library: CD-ROM, Online and Beyond. Washington, D.C. March 30, 1990. 
- "Perspectives on Managing Electronic Records." Federal Bureau of Investigations, Records Management Planning Retreat. Quantico, VA. January 17, 1990. 
- "Issues Related to Archiving: Role and Activities of the National Archives." National Institutes of Health, NIH Epidemiology Committee Meeting. Bethesda, MD. October 18, 1989. 
- "Saving the Past for the Future." U.S. General Services Administration, IRMCO 89: Information Resources Management Conference. Richmond, VA. September 6, 1989. 
- "Electronic Records." Information and Records Administration Councils, Conference on Records Management in Transition. Arlington, VA. June 2, 1989. 
- "Information Resources Management in Context and Contest." International Council on Archives, Symposium on Management of Current Records: Recorded Information: Converging Disciplines. Ottawa Canada. May 17, 1989. 
- "Electronic Archives: the Pros and Cons of Preserving Electronic Records." Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Annual Meeting. Albany, NY. May, 1989. 
- "Managing Electronic Records." University of Maryland, College of Library and Information Services. College Park, MD. April 13, 1989. 
- "Does Records Management Matter Any More? Or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Computer." Association of Records Managers and Administrators, 33d Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 3, 1988. 
- "Medical Documentation in the Federal Environment." National Library of Medicine and American Association of the History of Medicine, Conference on the Documentation of Twentieth Century Medicine. Bethesda, MD. June 16, 1988. 
- "Records Management: Similarities and Differences between Government and Private Sectors." Information Resources Administration Councils and Association of Records Managers and Administrators, Washington Chapter, Joint Seminar. Washington, D.C. December 3, 1987. 
- "Historians and Records Managers: Possibilities and Pitfalls of Interaction." National Council on Public History and Society for History in the Federal Government, Joint Meeting. Washington, D.C. April 24, 1987. 
- "For the Record -- and Against: Issues concerning Contractor Records." U.S. General Services Administration, IRMCO 86: Information Resources Management Conference. Richmond, VA. September 10, 1986. 
- "Managing the Public Record." Committee on the Records of Government and Society of American Archivists, Joint Meeting. Washington, D.C. June 4, 1986. 
- "Policy, Plans and Oversight." Society for History in the Federal Government, Federal Information Management: Setting the Agenda. Washington, D.C. September 13, 1985. 
- "Office Automation in the Management of Bio-Medical Research Grants." National Institutes of Health, Staff Training in Extramural Programs (STEP) Module. Bethesda, MD. May 5, 1980. 

Selected Manuscripts - Unpublished

Brown, Thomas E. 
- "The Impact of the Federal Use of Modern Technology on Appraisal: A Report to the Appraisal and Disposition Task Force" (1983).

Harrison, Donald F. 
- "Charles Dollar Revisited: Appraisal for Electronic Records in Transition at the National Archives of the United States," with Michael L. Miller and Richard W. Marcus. (December 17, 1991). 

Thornton, Roberta
- "Archiving Data: A User's Perspective" n.d.

Zeimer, Heidi A.
- "The American Soldier in World War II: The Records of The Army Research Branch As Early Social Science Research Sources"

Selected Manuscripts - Training Papers

Cahall, Laura Porcella
- "A Comparative Analysis of the National Archives and Records Administration's and the National Archives of Canada's Respective Approaches Towards the Acquisition and Accessioning of Electronic Records" CIDS paper (June 1993). 

Lamotta, Greg
- "Towards A Strategy for Accessioning Cumulative Electronic Files: Three Case Studies" CIDS paper (July 12, 1994). 

Long, Suzanna M.
- "Documenting Scientific Data" CIDS paper (April 30, 1993). 

McIlwain, Don C.
- "ADS, FAIS, CORE and OASYS: Changes for the Department of State, Challenges for the National Archives" CIDS paper (June 1993).

Merselis, Martha
- "Bits and Bytes of History: A Proposal for an Exhibit on Electronic Records at the National Archives" CIDS paper (June 1992). 

Perkins, Adrienne
-"Preserving Essential Evidence: The Impact of Armstrong v. EOP on NARA's Center for Electronic Records" CIDS paper (August 26, 1997)

Pintado, Anita
- "A Doorway to Access: A Comparative Analysis of the Access Policies of Four Latin American National Archives" CIDS paper (June 5, 1995). 

Reid, Lydia
- "Electronic Records Training: Suggestions for the Implementation of the 'CART' Curriculum" CIDS paper (June 1994). Also, in American Archivist, Vol. 58, No. 3, (Summer 1995), pp. 326-340. 

Revelle, Crystal
- "Accessing the National Archives: A Different Perspective" CIDS paper (March 1994). 

Russ, Steven
- "'Virtual' Archives vs. 'Custodial' Archives: An Issues Paper" CIDS paper (June 15, 1994). 

Thornton, Roberta
- "The Potential Use of Electronic File Transfer in the National Archives" CIDS paper (June 1990). 

Whittington, Jim

  • "Archives and The New Geography" CIDS paper (June 1990).

Ziemer, Heidi
  • "Education Units and Archival Records in the New Information Age" CIDS paper (1989)

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