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Connecticut Ports, 1929-1959

Part 1: Introduction

Immigration records from these ports are reproduced in NARA microfilm publication:

M1320. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels (February 1929-February 1959) and Airplanes (April 1946-February 1959) Arriving at Bridgeport, Groton, Hartford, New Haven, and New London, Connecticut. 13 rolls.

Part 2: Records Description

Most of the records are of alien crew members of vessels; however, some alien and U.S. citizen passengers of vessels and airplanes, and some U.S. citizen crew members of airplanes are included. The records primarily consist of INS forms 680, I-415, I-416, I-418, I-466, I-467, I-480, and I-489 (described below under "Forms Used"), as well as air passenger manifests on forms created by various airlines, primarily Pan American World Airways and Trans Ocean Airlines. They are arranged chronologically, but some are out of chronological order. A few airplane manifests indicate their arrival or final destination as New York, New York, or Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts. A few vessel manifests indicate arrival in Bridgeport, Greenwich, Norwalk, Norwich, South Norwalk, and other smaller Connecticut ports; a few indicate arrival at Baltimore, Maryland; Boston, Massachusetts; New York, New York; or other larger ports.

In the Table of Contents, the rolls specified as "alien crew" consist entirely of alien crew; other rolls usually contain a mixture of aliens, citizens, crew, and passengers. Airplane manifests may indicate the name of the destination airport instead of the city near which it was located.

Forms Used INS Form 680 (later known as Form I-480), List or Manifest of Aliens Employed on the Vessel as Members of Crew, usually contains the names of vessels and shipmasters, ports of arrival and embarkation, dates of arrival, and the following information about each crew member: full name; position in ship's company; whether able to read; age; sex; race; nationality; height; weight; physical marks or peculiarities. The "race" column indicates the crew member's ethnic background, such as Irish, German, Polish, etc. It also indicates the date and place at which he was engaged for employment and whether he was to be paid off or discharged at the port of arrival. Although the primary purpose of this form was to record pertinent information about aliens, many U.S. citizen crew members are included on these lists. Occasionally, masters of some vessels submitted Canadian Immigration Service Form 200, Crew List or Manifest of Seamen and Other Persons Employed on the Vessel, in lieu of INS Form I-480.

Form I-415, Manifest of In-Bound Passengers (Aliens), includes the name of the ship, the port and date of embarkation, the port and date of arrival, and the following information about each alien: name, travel document number, citizenship ("nationality"), number and description of pieces of baggage, and a "column for use of masters, surgeon, and U.S. officials" which may contain the alien's "A-File" number, the section of the immigration law under which the alien was admitted to the U.S., and the country which issued the alien's passport and its date of expiration. As of 2000, A-Files remain in the legal custody of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and researchers interested in examining those records should direct a Freedom of Information Act request to that agency.

Form I-416, List of In-Bound Passengers (United States Citizens and Nationals), includes the name of the ship, the port and date of embarkation, the port and date of arrival, and the following information about each person: U.S. passport number and place of birth, number and description of pieces of baggage, and a "column for use of master, surgeon, and U.S. officers" which is usually blank.

Form I-418, Passenger List/Crew List (cross out one), includes the name of the ship, the port and date of embarkation, the port and date of arrival, and the following information about each person, if applicable: name, citizenship ("nationality"), passport number, crew position, and where the crewman was shipped or engaged. Other remarks or information may also be annotated on the form.

Form I-466, Information Sheet [concerning passenger arriving on aircraft], provides the aircraft number, ports and dates of departure and destination, and the following information about a single passenger: name, age, gender, marital status, race, citizenship, height, weight, eye color, hair color, complexion, whether able to read, place of embarkation, U.S. destination, name and address of friend or relative in U.S., immigration document number and its date and place of issuance, purpose and intended length of stay in visiting the U.S., amount of money, and when and where the person had visited the U.S. before.

Form I-467, Air Passenger Manifest, indicates the name of the airline, aircraft number, trip number, ports and dates of departure and destination, and the following information about each passenger: name, permanent address, ticket number, age, gender, marital status, race, destination, citizenship ("nationality"), number and date of passport, occupation, and weight of baggage.

INS Form I-489, Statement of Master of Vessel Regarding Changes in Crew Prior to Departure, sometimes accompanies the Form I-481. This form indicates names and other information of any crewmen who (1) deserted, (2) were discharged, (3) were left in a hospital at the port of arrival, or (4) signed on at the port of arrival.

Roll List

Roll No. Contents
1 Vessels: Bridgeport, New Haven, and New London (filed at Hartford), Sept. 23, 1929 - Mar. 16, 1941
Vessels: Alien Crew: Bridgeport and New Haven (filed at Hartford), Jan. 6, 1944 - Jan. 28, 1947
2 Vessels: Alien Crew: Bridgeport, Groton, Hartford, New Haven, and New London (filed at Hartford), Feb. 19, 1929 - Mar. 13, 1940
3 Vessels: Alien Crew (and a few passengers): Bridgeport and New Haven (filed at Hartford), Mar. 14, 1940 - Jan. 26, 1942 Vessels: Alien Crew: New Haven (filed at Hartford), Jan. 27, 1942 - Nov. 10, 1943
4 Vessels: Alien Crew: Bridgeport, Groton, New Haven, and New London (filed at Hartford), Feb. 13, 1947 - Apr. 27, 1950
5 Vessels: Alien Crew: Bridgeport, Groton, New Haven, and New London (filed at Hartford), May 3, 1950 - Jan. 30, 1952
6 Vessels: Alien Crew: Groton, New Haven, and New London (filed at Hartford), Jan. 31, 1952 - Nov. 20, 1953
7 Vessels: Alien Crew: Groton, New Haven, and New London (filed at Hartford), Nov. 21, 1953 - Nov. 27, 1954 Vessels: Alien Crew: Bridgeport, Aug. 29, 1955 - Mar. 25, 1957
8 Airplanes: Hartford, Apr. 25, 1946 - Dec. 20, 1946 - Nov. 11, 1948
9 Airplanes: Hartford, Nov. 12, 1948 - Nov. 5, 1954
10 Vessels: Alien Crew: Bridgeport, Groton, New Haven, New London (filed at Hartford), July 3, 1946 - June 29, 1957
11 Vessels and Airplanes: Bridgeport, Groton, New Haven, and New London (filed at Hartford), July 2, 1957 - Feb. 20, 1959
12 Vessels and Airplanes: New Haven, Dec. 8, 1954 - Mar. 31, 1957
13 Vessels: New London (Groton), Dec. 3, 1954 - Mar. 29, 1957

Part 3: Where to Find these Records

You can search immigration records of immigrants arriving at these ports at the NARA facilities listed in the Microfilm Catalog. Each publication description indicates all NARA units which have copies of a microfilm publication in part or in full.

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