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Protecting the Environment

Mike Castle has long supported conservation of open space, wildlife protection, addressing climate change, as well as the strengthening of clean air and clean water laws.

  • Environmental Champion - The League of Conservation Voters has consistently named Mike Castle an "Environmental Champion" for his leadership on environmental issues including his commitment to conservation and preservation.
  • Global Warming - Believing that we must act now to mitigate the impact of global warming pollution, Rep. Castle supports U.S. participation in international agreements and a cap-and-trade program based on the best available science, which will deliver the kind of reform business and industry need to grow the economy, stabilize the climate, and create more diverse and secure sources of energy.  Since 2004, Rep. Castle has supported the Climate Stewardship Act.  Rep. Castle believes we can achieve 15-20% reductions in global warming pollution by 2020 and reductions on the order of 80% by 2050.
  • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Mike Castle has opposed repeated efforts to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to exploration and drilling for oil and gas.  While a supporter of energy independence, he feels Arctic drilling provides at best, a short-term approach to a long-term problem.  He believes America's global leadership in technology and innovation can play a larger role in providing us with real options for energy self sufficiency.
  • Clean Water / Clean Air - Believing clean and healthy water and air must be a priority, Castle continues to fight to limit pollutants, clean up our drinking and recreational waters and the air we breathe.   Castle has consistently supported measures to strengthen the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.  Recently he has worked to upgrade aging sewer infrastructure.
  • Republicans for Environmental Protection - Congressman Castle achieved a perfect score of 100 in the second annual Congressional scorecard by the Republicans for Environmental Protection (REP), a national grassroots organization
  • Chesapeake Bay - As a member of the Congressional Chesapeake Bay Task Force, Rep. Castle has consistently supported measures to push for additional funding for environmental restoration of the Chesapeake Bay, which remains on the list of impaired water bodies under the Clean Water Act.
  • Delaware River - As co-chair of the Congressional Delaware River Basin Task Force, Rep. Castle supports flood mitigation research efforts, water quality initiatives, oyster restoration project, and led effort in House to create a Delaware River and Bay Oil Spill Advisory Committee to address prevention and clean up in the event of an oil spill.
  • Beach Protection - Together, the Delaware Congressional delegation has secured close to $40 million in federal funding since 2002 for the restoration of Delaware beaches.  Castle believes strongly in protecting these Delaware treasures, which not only provide us with swimming and recreation and serve as a habitat for numerous species, but also act as a critical barrier against storm damage, prevent flooding, and keep our coastal communities safe.
  • Coastal Advocate - Rep. Castle received the Coastal Advocate Award from the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association for being a champion for Delaware's beaches and for America's coastal communities during his tenure in the House and as Governor.

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