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Alerts for 2009

Alerts for 2008

   Alert 62  (12/9/08)

   Alert 61  (12/1/08)

   Alert 60  (10/27/08)

   Alert 59  (9/23/08)

   Alert 58  (8/26/08)

   Alert 57  (8/20/08)

   Alert 56  (7/21/08)

   Alert 55   (1/16/08)

Alerts for 2007

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2008 Alerts Archive

Informing you about news, events, data releases, congressional actions, and other developments associated with the American Community Survey (ACS).

Alerts for 2007 can be found by clicking on a link in the box on the left.


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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  American Community Survey Office  |  Page Last Modified: January 21, 2009